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Saugeen Browns; Stocking Stopped


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Saugeen Browns; Stocking Stopped


May 17, 2008

doug edgar / owensoundsuntimes.com


The Owen Sound Ministry of Natural Resources office has turned down a proposal to stock brown trout in a stretch of the Saugeen River between Hanover and Durham.


Enough concerns were raised about the proposal to warrant the decision, said MNR biologist Andy McKee.


"There is potential for harming what's there already," he said.


The Big River Group and the Upper Saugeen Habitat Restoration Association, volunteer angling and conservation groups, proposed to stock the section of river with fish from stock taken from the upper Sydenham River. Opponents argued such a move would be detrimental to the wild trout already in the river and urged more work to allow the fish there now to thrive.


An MNR letter sent to those with an interest in the proposal said the ministry will work with others to gather information "which will help to move to a healthy, sustainable fishery in this portion of the Saugeen River."

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