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When Hunting Deer you see turkeys and can usually get a shot but they're out of season "OOS". Today I went out to set up my turkey hunting blind before season opener and what do I see?


Now before you watch the video be warned it's about 3.5 minutes long so dial up don't even bother. Secondly the deer was directly upwind when the encounter happened. The frogs noises masked my steps in the crunchy loostrife patches but even once spotted the deer seemed curious. When it wouldn't move I tried to scare it by waving my arm high over my head thus the camera shake once and awhile. Instead of giving me the action shot by waving his bright white rear end goodbye at me, he came closer.


Now if you've ever hunted you know this just doesn't happen! When I first spotted this deer it was 30 yards away. My bow is accurate for 50 yards with a steady hand and a shot gun even farther. This deer came within 15 yards and turned broadside! Man I can't wait for Oct 1st :P


<embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=6099463623607297864&hl=en-CA" flashvars=""> </embed>


Sorry bart the shakes :lol:

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