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Government of Canada's Action Plan for Clean Water Delivers $30 Million to Clean Up Lake Simcoe


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Government of Canada's Action Plan for Clean Water Delivers $30 Million to Clean Up Lake Simcoe



BARRIE, Ontario, January 16, 2008 - Canada's Environment Minister John Baird, and the Honourable Peter Van Loan, Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister for Democratic Reform, today announced new, long-term funding to preserve and protect the environment of Lake Simcoe. The additional $18 million announced builds on the $12 million that was announced last year by the federal government and brings the Government's total investment to $30 million over five years.


"Canadians want to know what this government is doing about improving water quality and I want to tell them we are moving quickly to restore the health of our lakes and waterways as we promised we would," said Minister Baird. "Today's announcement builds upon the significant financial commitment we have already made to cleaning up Lake Simcoe, as well as our announcement that we will be restricting the level of phosphates in laundry and dishwasher detergent across Canada. This will have a positive impact on reducing the growth of blue-green algae, an issue I know the residents around Lake Simcoe have faced."


This investment to clean up Lake Simcoe is part of our Government's Action Plan for Clean Water, which includes projects like the Health of the Oceans initiative to protect Canada's three oceans, the clean up of Randle Reef in Hamilton Harbour and action on pollution going into Lake Winnipeg.


"Our commitment of $30 million to Lake Simcoe will get the job done and the work starts this year," said Minister Van Loan. "Canadians expect action from government to deal with the pressing environmental issues of today, and we are taking action now for all the people who make their home around Lake Simcoe."


Other measures to protect water quality include regulations later this year to reduce pollutants in sewage and improving raw sewage treatment in municipalities and First Nation communities across Canada.These new rules, when combined with regulations to reduce phosphate and with the $8 billion allocated in the Building Canada plan to improve sewage treatment, will enhance water quality and protect the health of Canadians.


Lake Simcoeprovides drinking water to eight municipalities and is known for its recreation industry, which generates more than $200 million in annual revenues. The region supports farming and recreational fishing and has recently undergone significant increased urban development.




$30 Million for Cleaning up Lake Simcoe - Part of the Government of Canada's Action Plan for Clean Water


The Government of Canada believes that clean, safe and secure water is something all Canadians have the right to enjoy. That is why the Federal Government is taking action to preserve and protect Lake Simcoe. Residents around the lake are seeking solutions and the Government of Canada, through a $30-million, five-year Clean-Up Fund is helping them restore the health of the Lake.


As many local residents know, the health of Lake Simcoe has been steadily declining for many years. The primary environmental challenge for Lake Simcoe is declining water quality due to pollution from land-based rural and urban sources. Lake Simcoe's annual phosphorus inputs are two to three times the natural level . This is causing excessive algae growth and robbing the lake of oxygen, affecting the cold water fish community, wildlife and overall water quality.


As we just announced yesterday, our Government is taking action and will be limiting phosphates in laundry and dishwasher detergents. Along with our plans to ban the dumping of raw sewage and improve sewage treatment across Canada, this should have a positive effect on the environment and Lake Simcoe.


The initiative is expected to improve water quality for recreational use, substantially reduce phosphorous loads from urban and rural sources and advance the restoration of a sustainable cold water fishery and the ecological integrity of Lake Simcoe.


The Lake Simcoe Clean-Up Fund is part of the government's Action Plan for Clean Water. It will be used to help reduce the amount of phosphorous getting into streams and rivers feeding the lake and will help restore fish and wildlife populations. The Fund will be administered by Environment Canada in consultation with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the Province of Ontario, the Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority and other key stakeholders.


The Lake Simcoe Clean-Up Fund will be used to support projects by federal, provincial and municipal governments, the conservation authority, non-governmental and community organizations, land owners and Aboriginal communities such as:


....Reducing rural and urban pollution to cut phosphorous overloads;


....Rehabilitating and stewardship of fish and wildlife habitats;


....Improving information and monitoring for decision-making; and


....Controlling pollution from sewage, sewer overflow and storm water.


This Fund will not support capital or operating costs for municipal infrastructure, such as sewage treatment plants.


Lake Simcoe is the fourth largest lake in Ontario and is a major recreational area, located just north of Toronto. Lake Simcoe is known for its recreational fishery, which augments a tourism industry generating more than $200 million a year. The region supports farming and has recently undergone increased urban development. The lake provides drinking water to eight municipalities.

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