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Hey Rick and Rich...


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Hey guys, you've been awefully quiet about the recuperation of your pups....Rick, how's Jack doing? is his companion back home and playing nice????

Rich, how about your pup, sorry I forgot her name...how's the rehab coming along?



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Hey Mo ... Appreciate you asking. I'll let Nikita show her appreciation to you in June.


My girl just had her two week check-up last night and had her stitches removed. The surgeon said her incision has healed up very well. Just two weeks after the surgery, the vet said she is walking very well on the leg and really putting some weight on it. Still limps a little, but that is to be expected. We have been very careful with her these last two weeks - keeping her penned up in the downstairs of the house.


She really fought that cone she had to wear so I spent the last two weeks sleeping on the living room floor. This allowed her extra time without that cone - at least someone got a good night's sleep.


We have to keep her from running and jumping for at least another month when we go back for another set of X-rays and we'll go from there. We're allowed to take her on 5 to 10 minute walks, so that will be good to get her strengthened up. So far, everything is going very well.


Hey Rick: I was thinking of Jack on the way home last night from the VET. Got an update for us ?. I know Jack is a little further along, following the same kind of surgery. Hope all is going well with Jack as well.

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Hey Rich,


Ben ( our yellow lab in my avatar) had ACL/MCL reconstruction 18 months ago. Once he had healed somewhat the best thing that we did for him was Hydrotherapy. Ask your vet if there is a canine or equine pool near to you. Ben was nine at the time and his recovery has been terrific. It is something that also helps aging dogs to remain mobile in their remaining years...



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