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December 27, 2007




New Regulations Help Ensure Sustainability Of Fish Populations


TORONTO A number of minor revisions are being made to the new 2008-2009 fishing regulations, Natural Resources Minister Donna Cansfield announced today.


"The early release of the new streamlined 2008-2009 Fishing Regulations Summary gave members of the public a chance to identify some clarifications and additions," said Cansfield. "We are moving quickly to fix those to ensure the rules and regulations that come into effect on January 1, 2008, are clear."


The revision of the Ontario Fishery Regulations is an important part of implementing Ontario's new Ecological Framework for Recreational Fisheries Management. This will improve sustainability of fisheries and increase public participation in fisheries management with the establishment of Fisheries Management Zone Advisory Councils.


The ministry is now managing fisheries on a zone basis rather than on an individual lake basis. This has reduced the number of fishing zones to 20 from 37 divisions, requiring revisions to Ontario’s fishing rules.


In rewriting the regulations that govern fishing in Ontario, some omissions were made. As a result, the ministry is implementing a small number of changes in nine Fisheries Management Zones. Some of the changes include:


Allowing fishing of lake trout during part of the year on Commando Lake in Zone 8, which lets a traditional winter lake trout derby continue to take place

Opening Bill, Wreck and Dog lakes for fishing brook trout all year in Zone 4

Allowing fishing for brook trout all year on Tailleurs Lake in Zone 8.

A list of all the changes are available on the ministry's website at ontario.ca/fishing.


"We know how popular angling is across the province, and as always we appreciate the benefit of the public’s comments," said Cansfield. "As a ministry, we are working to ensure the health and sustainability of the province’s fish populations."


Before going fishing, anglers should carefully review the information outlined in the summary and check the ministry website for updates.


The 2008-2009 Ontario Recreational Fishing Regulations Summary is available from licence issuers, ServiceOntario/Government Information Centres and on the ministry’s website at ontario.ca/fishing.

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