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I hate my job...


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So recently I did some research and apparently after working 40 hours a week here in BC it is the law for your company to pay you time and a half OT pay....Mine hasn't been doing this. Now they owe me about 450 bones which isn't much to a lot of you but when your making 15$/hr doing dirty discusting and dangerous work, its a lot of money. Living in Vancouver is very expensive and last month I only made 1600$ after taxes which is brutal considering the debt I'm in and the cost of living here. I should also mention that since I'm hourly pay I dont get production bonuses on some of the jobs which brings me to the question.....why? Like my supervisors expect me to bust my ass for 15$/hr for what? what's in it for me? Anyways I plan on asking for a raise as well as demanding my OT pay that they owe me as soon as the bosses get back from theyre second tropical vacation this month.....how convenient eh? Needless to say I'm not very happy with my job or company I work for right now and honestly the only thing keeping me with this job is the company truck. However I'm trying to get a hunting guide job so I won't need a vehicle or have to worry about rent.......and think about the photo ops eh? heck yes. Now for the reason this post is in the Photography Section. Today I had a bit of spare time while working so I stopped off at home and grabbed my camera and decided to take some photos on COMPANY TIME......they wanna eff with me.....bring it on....I don't take s**t from anybody. Anyways the photos are nothing special but posting photos I took on company time really make me feel good inside lol.....sorry for the rant but damn that felt good to get out.......heres the pics...


First is Deer Lake with Burnaby in the Background....



Here is a mallard at Deer Lake



there......take that company that for now will stay unnamed.

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Can you set the EV difference between shots when your camera brackets? If so, have you experimented with it? I can on one of my cameras but I haven't played with it yet. I've been using -2, 0 and +2. I can go as far as -7, 0 and +7. I'll have to give that a try soon.

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the furthest my camera goes is -2, 0, and +2........I also set it on continuous drive so I just hold the button down and click, click, click 3 pics just like that all bracketed. I like using the continuous drive mode because theres less chance of camera shake between photos......plus its quicker

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Maybe I'll get a chance to try out the +-7 this weekend. Or if I'm really careful and I can change the camera settings without moving it, I'll try the same scene with +-2 or 3 as well. That will give me 5 shots to work with. Yup. That's my project for this weekend. I'll let you know how it goes.

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Great shot's Brandon, even on company time. LOL

As for the HDR, I hear you guys, most of mine are HDR lately also. I've been using the bracketing feature on mine, but it only lets me do +-1. But then I just take 2 more pics manually switching to +-2. So I've used 5 pics for several pics. Have also went to +-3 but find them to bright and to dark, so I'm not sure if there really adding anything. What's you (guy's) opinion on that.


Like I said, I can set the bracketing only to +-1, but I can start with +1EV, get 3 pics (+2,+1,0) and then set the next at -1 and get 3 pics (-2,-1,0) which gives me 5 pics, I just use only one of the 0EV.

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So I've used 5 pics for several pics. Have also went to +-3 but find them to bright and to dark,


Do you mean that the final result was too dark or bright Deano? Or just the bracketed shots? I've seen some examples on my photography forum that included as many as 7 shots. Obviously the shots on the extreme plus or minus EV were very dark, or very bright, but the final results were stunning. I don't know the answer. It's something that I plan on experimenting with though.

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