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Identify this bird plz *NF


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I was out around the Thames River in London yesterday and came across a rather large bird up in a tree and I was wondering if anyone could identify it. I was on the other side of the river from the bird and it was way up in a tree, so my pictures really aren't very good since the camera is at max zoom and I couldn't get any closer. I was kind of thinking there's a slight chance its a peregrine falcon. I know there are a few birds that nest in downtown London which is a few blocks from this location. The bird took off 15 or so minutes later and was gliding like a hawk but was covering a fairly large area instead of the circle-style flying hawks tend to do. Perhaps its just a hawk or even an owl? If anyone can tell me what it might be that would be great. Sorry for the lack of detailed pics. I have more pics but they are basically all the exact same. I was just trying to get the most detailed pic I could from a far distance. I'm horrible at photo editing, so you may need to zoom in on the pics yourself to get a better look. Thanks.









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That would be an Osprey.

Ive been seeing an Osprey the past few fishing trips on the Thames in Dorchester area. First time I saw him he was diving down into the rapids and taking small fish. Quite a sight to see this going on just 50 yards away...



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