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Everything posted by buckster

  1. sure am!............ thinking JP
  2. Was out there sat aswell lots of fish to be had!
  3. good stuff i was just about 50-60 yards north of u guys i was sitting on my red polaris with my back facing you............ I was pretty busy all day too!!
  4. good stuff... I was out there today no lakers but just smashed the whities
  5. hey beans and BC if u head straight out and hit the 80 fow make u should be able to hook a fish or two. Lots of perch even at that depth
  6. Great catch!!!!!...............boy how i like them days
  7. 1) the choke cable setting 2) cleaned and carb and something to do with the float. Done and done thanks to my old man lol....... i was lost after setting the choke lol
  8. wow good stuff thanks Kerry............ I think i solved the problem thanks everyone!!!!
  9. 20-30 pulls is normal lol........ i might aswell walk. Sled only has 1100miles
  10. i wish it were only that many
  11. i towed in my firends cat 2 sundays in a row lol
  12. ya seems ok not to sure if it sounds to crisp though but i think im just paranoid
  13. i checking the cable on one carb and it seemed like it worked. When i put the choke on it came all the way up......... but i didnt check the other carb to be honest with u
  14. I have a 99 indy spot touring 440 Seems like for some reason this season when the sled is cold it takes me many a pulls to get it started. Tried new plugs and same deal. If its sits for 6-7 hours outside my hut, same deal plenty -o- pulls. checked the choke cables they seemed to be ok. Any ideas? Maybe a fuel problem?
  15. Best day of the season weatehrwise for sure cph........
  16. On the ice this morning by 7am with gps in hand in search of some whities and lakers. Tried many of my waypoints from 7am-12pm with nothing but only a single bump on my williams. Things didnt look good at this point but we never gave up! Moved away from the masses and fished some structure that i have produced fish off before. Finally FISH ON! Limits all around. Nice to see the mnr out there, taking samples from our fish.
  17. nice pic...........boy that hut looks familiar
  18. ill make sure i gaf them a few more times on the next trip lol
  19. whities sure are tasty!
  20. A few fish for our efforts
  21. lots of ice seen a few cars and trucks out of jacksons point today
  22. Good Question?
  23. Great report....... Sounds like a good lodge
  24. i hear ya thats why they call it fishing not catching!!! thanks again
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