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Everything posted by Kinger

  1. Hey thanks for the kind words. It is great that I didn't drive more than 10 minutes to catch any of the fish in this post! Stonefly, the biggest steelhead I've ever caught was about a 1-2 lbs. so I can't really draw a comparison. It reminds me of a smallmouth bass' aggression and head shaking, only wrapped up in salmon sized proportions.
  2. I disagree and I'll post another more graphic picture to prove it. -black spots on the gill covers -no spots on the tail -caught in early july way before chinooks come up -orange/pinkish meat even after cooked, chinook turns white
  3. After checking out Laz's post I decided to post a few of my pics from my 2009 fishin'. No boat so I'm stuck on shore but I do alright for myself. Spring started off good with a quality female on my first outing! I put my timmies Large lid for scale. X-rap! Fishin' alone is peaceful but its hard to get a good shot! This guy looked like a football! My cat Tundra waiting for his share of the catch. Old Humpy is coming home for the BBQ. My first Atlantic Salmon on my first day ever targeting them. I had heard about the fighting power but nothing could have prepared me for the fight they put up. The bite felt like someone was trying to take my rod away from me!! Mad respect for these fish, only ate one all season. I got a nice little appetizer that night shortly afterwards. A nice Chinook I got a few nights ago, great fun. And my prize fish of the summer, 28 inch 7lb 10oz. walleye! Me riggin' up, I like this shot the woman took it while we were watching the July 4th Fireworks. If we're gonna be at the river, might as well throw some slashbaits! Two great blue herons on my arm, the best fishermen i know! Tight Lines!
  4. Make it so only registered members can view the forums.
  5. I catch a lot of walleyes using Red Phantom. Its my favorite 15lb. line.
  6. I've never caught a chain pickerel. I catch all my walleyes on artificial lures.
  7. Try Mister Twisters double tails or chuck some neutrally buoyant rattling baits.
  8. Oh I forgot my line, 10 lbs. Maxima UltraGreen on the 9ft rod. 15lbs/test Red Power Pro mainline on the 7ft rods with 3 ft 10lbs maxima for leader/shock.
  9. Lol, thanks. It may well have been me you talked to, I'm not unfriendly. My setup is 7 ft. Shimano Scimitar/Spirex 4000FE for buzzers and a 9 ft Med Action Shimano combo for spoons. 2 inch buzzbomb with a large chartreuse bead and a Eagle Claw chartreuse dressed treble hook. 3/8 oz. Little Cleo Rainbow pattern tipped with a piece of Berkley pink steelhead worm. IF you see me down there come say hello!
  10. I got one last night, great fighter. Should have seen the look on this old guy's face as I quickly revived and released the fish. "You're Not gonna EAT that"? Going down tonight since it rained.
  11. What a beauty, nice fish. Good taste in hats too, I have the same one
  12. Not touching this with a ten foot pole. I don't need to get enraged by clicking that link.
  13. Won't have to gut any of the walleyes, those hooks will do a fine job of that.
  14. mp3 player with tons of opie & anthony on it.
  15. A big female cutie came to say hello to my X-Rap late one midsummer evening.
  16. I'll be down there early.
  17. Sweet, i just picked up a few new cleos today. I got a couple cleos with the rainbow pattern. Thanks doods.
  18. So I've been fruitlessly fishing for pacific salmon for a few days on the st. mary's from the bank. I've been targeting chinook with the typical baits J-13 GFR, Buzz Bombs in various colors and Cleos in Blue/Silver, Green/silver, Green hammered gold, Glo- Orange, Glo-Green and haven't had any luck. Today I saw a number of pink salmon surfacing and swimming through the run i was fishing. Anyone willing to share some of their "go to" pink salmon lures? Thanks in advance.
  19. Nice fish. And pike is just delicious as long as you Y bone it, you are laughin'. Will the pike pop. ever recover haha.
  20. Well, I plan on fishing right into January. My plan on attack is to target different things as the season changes. As the salmon and walleye bites die off I plan on focusing on the rapids for steel and the main river for my first brown trout. I guess thats the luxury of being on the st mary's though.
  21. When I attach mono to power pro, I use the albright knot.
  22. Great pictures! Nice fish man.
  23. Thanks for the thoughts guys, I asked a couple of my friends on my instant messanger as well and they don't recommend it either. I think I will stick with Power Pro.
  24. I was wondering if anyone has some words about the positives and negatives (if any) using Fireline Crystal. I am thinking of using it on my salmon rod with a large shimano spinning reel. I fish from the bank or piers, any help would be greatly appreciated.
  25. Dave Mercer should come and film a show!!!! I want to go this year real bad.
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