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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. i dont see why there are people standing around on the streets and the person stepping on the gas?
  2. i heard that its going to be a superstore? i dont recall a zeller being around there, closest one is at vp and eglinton i think.
  3. lol, i was thinking of that.. haha
  4. seems like i might be heading up that way tomorrow, anything frozen up there yet?
  5. thanks for all the replies~!
  6. I can't seem to find the regulations for the 2007 season. I've been to canadian tire to ask for them but they told me they won't be getting them for another month or so. So.. what should i do?
  7. well.. the walmart at eglinton and warden appears to be moving so they had a sale! most of the stuff is already gone but i managed to pick up a polar therm tip-up for $10 and some ice fishing baits for a buck. anyone else dropped by?
  8. if anyone sees a nice hand auger there, please let me know! im actually starting to some of the ice gear now...=/ i better be able to use it!
  9. including myself, which i found pretty helpful
  10. between a normark swede bore and a strikemaster mora? i can get them around the same price. which one would be better though? thanks
  11. oohh... im in east york... at at jones/danforth, i go by lakeshore all the time, i can't wait for the canadian tire to open at leslie and lakeshore..
  12. sorry, i was comparing the swede bore with the mora, not the fin bore with the mora.
  13. so i guess theres no diff between the Swede Bore and mora, just different brands?
  14. sorry, would anyone know if the difference between a Normark Swede Bore and a Strokemaster mora? and which one would you prefer.. thanks
  15. well.. i just bought that brand new strikemaster mora 8inch from ebay for $40 shipped(should be).. should arrive within 2 weeks from the states i hope. $30 for shipping, $10 for product.. wow.. haha.. well anyways! any tips for me as it being my first auger? besides the one where i shouldnt bang it on the ice and spray it down with wd 40?
  16. correction $10 for it and $30 to ship.
  17. i found a STRIKEMASTER MORA 8" from US for $15. brand new. but shipping is $30. worth it? aswell, the person posted that it is a telescoping one, not a two peice. anyone know the reason why, i would a telescoping one be not as good(ie slide while you're drilling)?
  18. does it make a significant difference between, say the strikemaster for 110 and the normark for $60?
  19. i tried to look them up on LB's site but they havent updated for the 2007 season. i saw a Normark Ice Fishing Auger 6 in. $64.99 at canadian tire. http://canadiantire.ca/browse/product_deta...D=1168907543847 .. i might go for that.. any comments on it? or pay $5 for a 8 inch.. im not too sure if it will matter to me that 2 inch difference, in terms of fishing, im more concerned about me doing more work in drilling.. haha..
  20. hm.. i should change my info, toronto --> east york, but often will be in scarborough if that helps. oh, and with siblings in waterloo, brampton and scarborough. =)
  21. i dont mind a used one since i dont think i'll be going THAT often to make it worth it for me to buy a new one. but if i can't find a used one, i'll settle for a used one. But i believe there are different kinds of blades? What should i be expecting in a ice auger other then just doing the job? lol. well this year will be my first time fishing hard water offically. The first time i just went with my dad and we didn't exactly know what we were doing.. well any directions to where i can get a used or new one would be great! thanks
  22. just on sunday night at 11:30 i filled up for 69.9!! oh.. and this was in Toronto, at richmond and sherbourne petro canada i think.
  23. took me a nice 10 mins to scrape all the ice off the car with the heater on max.. have fun for you guys out there!
  24. i see.. i was thinking of the pools.. but i don't know the area very well..
  25. since we change from the old board to this new one.. i finally registered for a new account. i had a question.. i was heading from toronto to niagara for the weekend with a couple friends, was wondering how the fishing was in the niagara area? anything at all? thanks
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