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Everything posted by danbo

  1. Atta boy! That green thumb will match your green teeth now! You ol' Hillbilly you!
  2. check this out too..
  3. Let's say.. give it a rest..
  4. Here's my latest addition for ice fishing this winter.. http://www.browning.com/products/catalog/c...e_id=688#center I got the Parka & Bibs in Treestand Camo.. come on ice!! (No tax now at LeBarons!)
  5. It's all fun & it all works. Get a flyrod & really enjoy casting!
  6. Great shot anyhow!
  7. http://www.slicktrick.net/products.html There is no other! http://www.american-hunter.com/broadheads/broadhead_test.htm
  8. Atta Boy!!!
  9. You guys are lost..
  10. Yo Dawg... What IF it was a 13 year old kid just hiking through the woods, armed with his bird-watching binoculars? Kill the bloody mutt I say..for the good of everybody!
  11. Don't let these clowns get to ya, Brian.. Yo cram..SCRAM!
  12. My Twin half-sisters died of CF!! It is the worst affliction there is..
  13. http://www.sundownoutfitters.com/images/monster_wolf.jpg (Do you guys argue for a hobby?)
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAgg9ttuYZo I add Bead-chain Eyes too.
  15. Try "Matuka"-style with a chenille/tinsel belly too.
  16. http://www.canada.com/edmontonjournal/news...2b7&k=65917 This is for you know-it-alls!
  17. I agree..Shoot 'em.
  18. Google is your friend..
  19. Nice..check out some Spey Hackle as well..super long-flowing strands!
  20. I'd rather cook & eat my wading boots than that freak!
  21. try hipwader.com website. http://hipwader.com/
  22. Yep those lil' kings that pikie catches are fine with lighter gear!
  23. You need an 8wt for Chinooks with the extended butt on the rod. GLoomis GL2 is a good start. Pflueger Trion reel is a strong reel at a decent price. Scientific Anglers Ultra 4 is my fave flyline..WF8F is perfect. You will eventually find bass fishing is fun with that rod too..using poppers. A 3wt for small head-water Brookies is fine. A 4wt for Grand River browns is sweet. A 6wt is enough for Credit steel & Smallmouth.
  24. http://www.birthdayjoys.com/graphics/birth...graphics_11.gif
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