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Everything posted by danbo

  1. Nice hair! "Nancy!"
  2. Humminbird 565 PT..$295 at LeBaron PiranaMax 160 portable..$150
  3. I'd rather eat a bucket of maggots than your lamprey! http://image10.webshots.com/11/3/96/81/206...05YQsHHN_ph.jpg Do you eat the red ones last?
  4. I like that.."You have to McGyver a bracket". I sent one to my bro in BC last year..maybe get one for me too!
  5. Dang! I guess ya get what ya pay for.. I figure the LCD could freeze up?
  6. Anybody use one on the ice?
  7. I guess if you turned it "off" for a minute when you know the perch are there..then suddenly turn it "on" again.. you could watch for a reaction. (Especially guys that use a camera too.)
  8. Can fish "Feel" the electric "pulse" that portable Sonars use? Even SPOOK 'em?? I figure the less output the better..sneakier! http://www.fishfinder-store.com/howfifiwo.html
  9. I gave you my best advice.
  10. Looks good! http://mactackle.com/secureshopping/images...inning_reel.jpg Shakespeare or Pfluegers are a bargain. You decide what size to buy according to the "specie" your after (and what line you use.) You can even use a flyreel for deep lakers or big pike!
  11. It's meant as a joke..lighten up!
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJYe3PDNl24
  13. It's Aliens genetically modifying Human DNA to build a better slave! Right GCD??
  14. Better safe than sorry. Plus a warranty is a good thing to have on electronics.
  15. The old JuneBug spinner is a killer for pulling worms through the weeds too.
  16. The best buy for your 7wt is a Pflueger Trion.(at LeBarons,etc.) http://mactackle.com/secureshopping/images...on_fly_reel.jpg For a Black Flyreel..check out the Okuma Integrity. http://www.4fishin.com/images/okuma_integrity.jpg
  17. http://www.gtsarchery.com/index_files/Page354.htm
  18. Get back on the evergreen edges & look for major intersections & rubs. Field gullies too. Concentrate on the evenings near food crop corners .
  19. Or elected to govern us..
  20. Denial is what let's this war continue. Sweet dreams..bud!
  21. It's a single drop of water in the ocean of problems the world faces!
  22. Terrorism is a war that cannot be won.. It is a money-making machine for the weapon makers & kick-backs to the politicians that support it. How many more do YOU think will die? It is Vietnam all over again!! 2 World Wars wasn't enough for mankind? PEACE on Earth & Good will toward men. God rest their souls..the fallen Brave Shouldn't we be doing something to protect the rest, instead of sending endless condolences?
  23. Pike,bass & wally's.. like most shield lakes in that region..
  24. White fish
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