You do realize, that the video posted in the recent OOS bass thread, might not even be showing any illegal activity, at all?
Ever consider that those guys went steelheading, caught a few bass since it's the Maitland afterall, filmed it, and decided to call the video "Bass Western Trib" or whatever they called it. If you're steelheading and you catch a few incidental bass, that's entirely fine by the regs as long as you release them if they're OOS. Filming or taking a picture is perfectly legal. Putting on a stringer, or in a livewell, would be illegal.
And now you are comparing people using deadly weaponry to kill ducklings on public roads from vehicles to catching a few OOS bass? Absolutely unfathomable.
Hard as I may try to see your perspective, I can't.
Someone was calling for a prison sentence for releasing a fish into a stream in another thread? Really?
Your fuses would blow if you knew some of the real underhanded corruption that is going on everyday, all around you, but is well disguised.