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Everything posted by funfishing

  1. The comments showed that they did NOT know it was illegal. Youtube comments - always a source of thoughtfulness and respect.
  2. It has since been removed from Youtube. If you know how the Maitland typically looks, imagine a few guys fishing a pool. They catch I believe to be 3 smallmouth, of decent size, and release them, somewhat half-hazardly, but released nonetheless. They also catch a steelhead in the video. I think they called themselves the Bronte fishing club.
  3. Bassaholic, You do realize, that the video posted in the recent OOS bass thread, might not even be showing any illegal activity, at all? Ever consider that those guys went steelheading, caught a few bass since it's the Maitland afterall, filmed it, and decided to call the video "Bass Western Trib" or whatever they called it. If you're steelheading and you catch a few incidental bass, that's entirely fine by the regs as long as you release them if they're OOS. Filming or taking a picture is perfectly legal. Putting on a stringer, or in a livewell, would be illegal. And now you are comparing people using deadly weaponry to kill ducklings on public roads from vehicles to catching a few OOS bass? Absolutely unfathomable. Hard as I may try to see your perspective, I can't. Someone was calling for a prison sentence for releasing a fish into a stream in another thread? Really? Your fuses would blow if you knew some of the real underhanded corruption that is going on everyday, all around you, but is well disguised.
  4. Thank you Terry. These guys might have been breaking the law. They might have been breaking the law intentionally. If they drove to the Maitland to target bass that day. They also might have simply caught a few incidental bass, filmed it, and posted it on youtube. Not illegal. My own fishing experience tells me, that based on viewing how those men handled that steelhead, that they are relatively new to fishing, however successful they may be at catching. Each of those guys will have a different amount of experience. I hope they don't waste too much time and taxpayers money. Signs indicating that bass are off limits, even with C&R, posted along the Maitland River - would be a great step forward and cost effective.
  5. I am glad that Knuguy posted this thread initially, as it brings to the table grounds for a productive discussion. We need to encourage thinking, not censor it.
  6. I just hate to see phronemophobia, especially directed at fellow anglers. Educate your fellow anglers and treat them with respect. I mentioned in the first post on this topic, that these guys obviously are not experienced anglers based on how they were trying to hold that steelhead in the vid. Not everyone has the privilege of being taught to fish as kids. Many are self-taught later in life and don't have decades of experience. Learning takes time. Please refer to my first post in this thread if you need to be reminded that there are ambiguities surrounding the laws of OOS fish. Not everyone will immediately comprehend them - I guarantee you many on this forum think that it's illegal to take a photograph with an OOS fish - it isn't! Currently there is no test administered by the MNR that an angler must pass prior to obtaining their license. If you can't bare the sight of someone catching OOS bass, you should write the MNR and petition for a test. And you should also avoid all of the Kawartha Lakes before opener - because everyday guys are catching oodles of OOS bass and feigning innocence when they are the ones that do know better.
  7. How did you figure that out, with no secret handshake or anything?
  8. Unreal mate, to bring that up into this discussion. Truly sick.
  9. I can't believe you brought that up on a fishing forum, speechless. Mods best delete that asap, that's disgusting. I for one will not perpetuate the cynical attitude that all people are inherently "bad" and need to be "disciplined", the attitude that is behind so much of society's woes. Just awful.
  10. Or some unreasonable, insane CO can try and charge them, because, my God, look what they've done!
  11. MNR: "Hey guys. Glad that you were out enjoying sport fishing. Looks like you guys are well on your way towards becoming accomplished anglers. Nice high quality gear by the way. Fishing is a wonderful contributor to our economy. Your license fees allow me to feed my family - thanks for that. I see you were out doing some late season steelhead fishing on the beautiful Maitland River. That's awesome. Very generous of you guys to film your adventures and put them online for others to enjoy. I see that you happened into some OOS smallmouth, and released them all. Good on you guys. You guys probably didn't know, but catching OOS fish and releasing them is still technically illegal. Allow me to clarify. If you come here again for late season steelhead, try to fish pools and use baits that allow you to hook up with steel but keep the bass off. If you find you are consistently catching bass, the law stipulates that you need to switch baits or move on to another pool, so as to avoid catching OOS bass. Since you guys posted this video online, you obviously weren't intentionally breaking the law. We've had some anglers send in your video to complain. So we thought it would be fair to give you guys this warning, so next time you can follow the regs appropriately. If you guys only caught a few incidental bass, and released them all, you did not break any laws. Taking a picture with an OOS fish is legal. Try to be as gentle as possible with the release of fish. This comes with practice and experience."
  12. God bless America
  13. I second the portable depth finder, it will open up lake trout fishing for you up north from the canoe. If you don't already ice fish, voila, you can use it for ice fishing too.
  14. I think pike can eat at night so it's still possible, but I must say that, folks, the answer in this case is hidden in plain sight. We are witnessing the evolutionary spirit of our top underwater predator.
  15. Love watching pike take a fish that's being reeled in. Swallowed that walleye in no time at all.
  16. Very cool report, nice shots
  17. Rainbow trout and brown trout, smallmouth and largemouth bass, all of the panfish (rockbass, black crappie, bluegill, pumpkinseed, and perch), carp http://www.fish-a-thon.com/ 's list is not exhaustive
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