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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. .... more about the relief that comes when you except new technology that makes your every day life easyer .
  2. I'am only 56 Thats right ! ..... and i lost 150 pounds in just one weekend . Yes ! i did it by not fishing and by winterizing the boat and by getting a new invoicing program for the first time ever up and running for my buisness . It was'nt easy but i was determand to stay at it and i did , Wow! i never knew i could feel this good . Now i can smile with confidents , plus it makes feel like unwinterizing the boat and having fun again .
  3. ??? catch and release ???
  4. Things would have been differant if the two of yous would have spent the day in the boat with me ...........lol....lol....lol .
  5. Very nice to see .
  6. Dose it have a kill switch ? on by mistake ?
  7. Thats right Paul , i am taking note's here : don't let them out to go tell the others ..... lol
  8. If you carried a few garlic bulbs and some holy water in the boat i think the jinx thing would just go away .
  9. The other one thats been floating around in the emails i like , every body gets together and for a month where we don't buy gas from one of the name brands so to speak , then the fallowing month we attack another one . Some one showd how this practise would drive the fuel prices down and i for another believe this would work . Just have to get every one on the same page at the same time to pull it off .....lol .
  10. I belieive the stakes are already set , its a daily gamble no matter where you cross . Be at your up most and ready to kiss .....and you'll be fine . Under that uniform some where is another person just like you .
  11. Thanks every one , i understand things dont work out for every one at times . It was one of those things were i was holding off putting the boat away because of wanting to try bass fishing for the first time and after a friend showing me how it was done and fixing me up with the gear i needed and waiting to see how i would make out at it . Then at the same time i knew i should'nt because of outstanding demands my company has on me right now , so with being the boss i thru it all up in the air to do which ever landed first at that moment . Now i realy have every one to thank that you's kept me on trac , the boat got put away like it should and my paper work is almost done for the new invoicing program that i need to get up and running . Ther will be many other days for fish and perhaps then i will be better ready . Take care all and thank you for your threads .
  12. Do you's think yelling "Rape!" out loud while we are at the gas pumps gassing up would greate any kahous , amagin a million or so people doing it at the same time ...........................
  13. Sorry WB , it all started with the dam gas price............ lol . Should start a new thread called memory lane , but i dare this is the wrong fourm .
  14. Thanks all , its good to know .
  15. Ah the good old days ... lol . Another thought comes to mind reading the two threads ahead of this one . The rooming house buddies i made took me under their wing and showed me how you could save your money and live off the land so to speak . I went along with it for a while as i did'nt have much money when i landed in the big city , 3.75 to be exact . For Ketchenany, Jer and Woodenboater you'll know where i mean when i say , my new buddies would take me to the place beside the Silver Dollar... lol .
  16. Funny how thease kinds of threads never get replys , its too bad . Remember if ya ever choose to come a long the Tim Hortons , food afterwards , and boat gas are always free , i would'nt have it any other way . The offer is just my way of giving back i guess and to have some one to run the dam camera ...... lol . Take care all , i am off to winterize the boat and have some space back in my shop .
  17. I made a mistake when i said 110 take home , it was 110 gross , the rent a week was 13.00$ at the rooming house i was in .....lol , Spadina & Dundas . I did'nt know the city very well then and was afriad i'd get lost taking a bus ,so i walked to and from my job which was at Ossington & Dundas . ...... LOL . Some years later I bought my first house in London for 45,000 .
  18. I should'nt , but i realy would like to go try bass fishing this morning on Simcoe . I had fish lesson #3 and know all about drop shot and tube jigs and have to gear to do it and just echin to give it a try . Any one want to come along ? If not then i think i'll go out and winterize the boat and call it quits for this year . I hate going alone .
  19. better put indeed .
  20. You were in the navy , awsome Lew . Don't ask me the year , but when i was sixteen i tryed to join the Army and the sargent told me to go home and come back in a few years , so i bought a trian ticket for 11.25 and boarded for Toronto . My plan back then was to go west and make the big money...lol , which i did , 110.00 a week take home pay , thought i had the world by the tail ....... lol .
  21. Lew , all that says , is we're getting old .......... lol
  22. 47 cents a gallon for gas , 56 cents for a large pack of smokes we paid in the early 70's . Back then i lived in London ont and drove a 1200 Datsun fastback , when holiday time came round it meant you had to go home and home for me was in Ontario back at the Quebec boarder . To make the trip we would gather up what little money we had , cash in the pop bottles and with 28 bucks it would pay for the gas there and back plus any treats we had along the way . I remember then it was cheaper to drive home then to pay for the 36$ ticket for the Greyhound . That same trip to day cost 350$ in my truck , plus 12 bucks for a pack of smokes .
  23. I like many others on the site bought diesel trucks , one reason being diesel was cheaper , know it's more then gas per liter , why when it cost less to refine diesel . They have us right where they want us i guess .
  24. Did the French demand that Paul ? I say that because i know the best deals are always in Qc .
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