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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. Its a good looking boat AINSLEY , same lines as my Tempest , i was told yours and mind are made by the same mold , i belive Searay is the maker , correct me if i am wrong .
  2. the boats aluminum right , are you going to strip it down to the aluminum ???
  3. I use to be in the resto buz big time a few years back , preping that one for paint is a bit of a job
  4. Well i am going to try and wear that one out first , but a 502 would be nice for chase'n schools . Have fun every one , i better get to work , see you's back here a little later ...........
  5. nice work there Cosmos , keep us up to date on your progress .
  6. Finaly , heres the boat i bought last fall that i want to get working on , now i could go buy a new boat if i so choose but i am a guy who needs to keep his hands buisy if you know what i mean , any ways i picked this boat up at Glenn Burney marina , it belonged to an older couple who new how to take care of things , its a 1984 180 Tempest with a 140 inboard mercusier and out drive , plans are to gut it , modernize the inside and keep as much open space as possible open free to move around in for fishing .
  7. this picture was a few days ago , now all the walls are finished and today i am starting to sheet tin the ceiling .
  8. here i have moved junk out and started strapping the walls for tin sheeting
  9. my pictures are to big for one post ...lol
  10. My old shop should have been tore down years ago but i keep fixing the stupid thing . So for now in order to get organize a bit better and leave the big side of the shop free for equipment repairs i want to fix up the old lean to that some one had built on to the side of the original building for storing fire wood , a few years back i tore the wall out between the two and stored my junk in it . Now i see it as a good place to have a tool room and its big enough to also hold a project to work on that might take some time that would other wise tie up the main shop . Heres a few pic's of what it looks like now til i finish linening it with sheet tin then turning it into a tool room then bring in the boat .
  11. Can you post a few pic's to show us .
  12. Good stuff Bill , i've always been a fixer myself . Iam going to try and find a couple of pictures to post here to show what i am up to them i am going to get back to work , times a wasting .
  13. Just wanted to jump on here foe a sec and say thats awsome Ernie , i am always so prode of those who can do it . As for me i am still not strong enough .
  14. I always think its awsome when you can but it back the way it ws made or make it look like it was done by a pro .
  15. Good going there Mike , hope you made out ok . So Bushart i was'nt seeing things then , neat stuff .
  16. I will ' thanks 524
  17. Why's that Bill .......lol.lol
  18. Thanks Dave , glad to see you like funny .
  19. I'd be more then happy to Lew , right now i am allmost finish linening the lower half of my shop with tin sheeting where i'd like to put the boat and get started at it .
  20. Just wondering if any one was working on a boat this winter to get it ready for this years softwater season like i am about to do shortly . I bought one last fall to gut and make into my personal fish boat .
  21. Bushhart , why the one blue & one brown ?
  22. I'd go for the boat trailer Dave , i can't see you having that much fun backing the car that far into the water and trying to get it to slide off the roof .
  23. It is another good one alright BH
  24. Buy this one from him and hang it in your office , i think it looks like you .......
  25. Glad you got out for a day of fishing Nick , this video of Waynes is awsome , i been watching it over and over , wonder if i traded him some hours with the 550 six way if i could get a ride some time .... lol .
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