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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. not very often we hear of one in the Minas Basin , their mostly seen along the south shore of Nova Scotia
  2. We use to be able to go to Canadian Tire and buy the fishing license and ask for the book Ontario Fishing Regulations. It that book it will tell you every thing you want to know for your area
  3. Avant, nous pouvions aller chez Canadian Tire, acheter le permis de pêche et demander le livre Règlements de pêche de l'Ontario. Ce livre vous dira tout ce que vous voulez savoir sur votre région.
  4. Yes Doug its HALIBUT
  5. well i don't know if it's been said in this thread before or not because i haven't read all the posts , but i had a new one sprung on me the other day down on the warf where i went to get a fish to bring home , a lady told how she liked to cook her fish and thought i should give it a try , here's what she said , try taken your fish and roll it in Parmesan and a bit of flour and pan fry it in butter , thats it thats all you do , so i did and Mr Man was that some good , i have to have my pan fried fish no other way from now on , its a simple as that , Happy eating fella's .....
  6. Retired 2017 to Annapolis Royal Nova Scotia , we have a place here for any of my Ontario fishing friends if they find them selfs on a holiday over this way , and yes boys I noses where da fishs is .


  7. We have no fishing shows over here where I am , we're to busy fishing and eating our fish , stop in some time there Lew.... lol
  8. Dosen't any body fish here any more .....lol
  9. To sum up my fishing experiance's since my last log in on OFC , dog tracks in my fish soup realy have me tic'd off .

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skipper D

      Skipper D

      not sure if I can show you on here Brian ....lol

    3. spincast


      hey skip - good to see ya stopping by. hope all is well

    4. Skipper D

      Skipper D

      Things are the Best , hope they're the same for every one else here .

  10. The owner of this boat says the boat was picked up by Skyway Transport and not Skyline Transport and doesn't want to make the mistake of blaming a legit company . Skyline Transport is working with him to try and locate Skyway Transport as they have also been getting many calls about Skyway . This info just came to me tonight , Thanks to every one for reading .
  11. This boat which was bought and paid for in Bancroft two weeks ago, was picked up by a transport company out of Toronto and was to be delivered to its new owner in BC . Now the boat is no where to be found or the so called Skyline Transport Company , how ever the word has it as being seen on a truck in the Picton area yesterday morning . If any one see's it out there any where , can you please call 911 , Thank you .. Ron
  12. Yes Lew to bad it happens , in a few pm's I had first hand with a cousin over there , a railing broke that let traps , bouys , ropes go over board taking two grew members with it , both were tangled up in the ropes once they hit the water and struggled to get free , one was able to cut him self free with a knife he had in his pocket but was unable to do any thing for his buddy as it was all ready to late for him . Today they were back at shore looking for new equipment so they could get back out and back to fishing .
  13. Yes , they say opening day it the most dangerous day of the season , many boats have new Rockies on board , so theirs all ways some that end up going over board and need to be rescued , if they can find them . These three this morning were lucky , they were 80 km's out when they went over
  14. yes Dave , the fishermen and the towns people who came out to see them off this morning started at 4 am , Opening of their Lobster fishing season .
  15. when the word Go comes across the radio , the work lights come on and their off ...
  16. this one has a seven foot tall decorated Christmas mounted up top ...
  17. seen here sitting waiting for the word Go!
  18. This morning out on the east coast was what they call Dumping Day , hundreds of Lobster fishermen head to their favorite fishing grounds , suppose to be a real sight to see . Here they can be seen leaving the south western shores below Yarmouth Nova Scotia
  19. We Acadians Ryan are all related but he's not from over that way, he's a D'Entremont and puts in at Pubnico , right now is not a good time for them to have their boats out of the water as their fishing season is either under way or just about to start .
  20. Lower Argyle Yarmouth south ..
  21. I think its been done a time or two , but the darn trees grow ... lol
  22. I was sent this picture of a cousins fishing boat in Nova Scotia that he was taking to town to get fixed.
  23. Another good one on fuel , the 2001 2500 Ram V10 , you would never think it hearing V 10 but you have to try one to believe how efficient they are .
  24. Cliff you know I've own in the past 30 years every thing from soup to nuts . If you and the wife have the chance to take a drive over here , I'd be glad to show you what Beverly and I decided to go with and retire with , I think you's will be impressed as well as knowing how well it worked for us for three weeks last summer in Nova Scotia . Give us a shout .
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