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Everything posted by bassjnkie

  1. I use the same containers Solo mentioned, much cheaper, durable and never leaks.
  2. Thanks for all the replies. After what I read here I'll go with the 6" and if need be cut side by side holes. Will go to Bass Pro or Lebaron tomorrow. Thanks again.
  3. Thanks all. I was looking at the Fin Bore III, but wasn't sure about size. Will 6" be good for lakers? but I will probably fishing mostly for panfish.
  4. I only go out ice fishing a few time a year and always rent a hut. This year I have everything but an auger, i'm looking for an 8" or 6" hand auger, but there are many out there and don't know which one to get? Would buying used be recommended? Thanks
  5. GBW, I'm going to make the one in my photo, If it doesn't turn out I'll try the other one. Wiser I saw that ad but to far of a drive, or else I would take them both. spinnerbaitking Thanks for the pic, that is how I have it set up now, but I don't want them on the walls or ceiling at the new house. Thanks again all.
  6. Beauty fish, WTG!!
  7. Nice perch, WTG!!
  8. Thanks LM, I'm going to try to make it, I can get the tools needed. Will post the results.
  9. Cool, thanks all. Thanks Randy for the plans, if I can't find anyone to make it, I'll give it a go.
  10. Thanks Randy, but the pictures are from the web I don't have it, wish i did though.
  11. I'm looking for a couple rod racks that hold 16 rods each. I went to Bass Pro and found this one, CLICK HERE, but I'm not sure it's worth the money, doesn't look well built. I was wondering if it would be better to get a custom done. I'm looking for some advice and maybe a quote on a custom built, well made, sturdy, doesn't have to be to fancy. Here are a few pictures of what I'm looking for.
  12. That's messed up!!!
  13. Sweet Deal!!!
  14. I'm all Daiwa when it comes to reels, well...I bought a couple Presidents and am very impressed. My buddy has the Supreme and loves it. I'll probably get a couple to try them out.
  15. Hope this helps: BPS Boxing week sale
  16. DSN is right. Angling Spec carries some of the NWC products. Give them a call first.
  17. Shipping is great compared to most places. The Fox ones are pretty, I have 2, but all they are is pretty at $25-$30 with tax.
  18. Here area few that work well: http://newworldcarp.com/osc/30plus-boilie-karpult-p-147.html http://newworldcarp.com/osc/30plus-particle-karpult-p-148.html http://newworldcarp.com/osc/30plus-karpult-repair-kit-p-233.html I use fermented deer corn and if you don't want to touch the cum at all, heres a scoop and the handle: http://newworldcarp.com/osc/gardner-gt-baiting-spoon-p-324.html http://newworldcarp.com/osc/gardner-long-baiting-spoon-handle-p-323.html hope this helps.
  19. No deer for me, I got bronchitis. I did get a cyote, the Monday at 160yrd running, thats the highlight of my hunt. The PA in Newmarket is a great place, more likely heading up there tomorrow.
  20. I was at the Princess Auto in Barrie. They have Gas augers, Clam shelter-I think the Excursion, ice rods w/reels, a cool looking sled with bucket and a few other things. Sorry can't remember the prices. Daniel
  21. +1 on CLR. Spray it on, let it sit for a little bit and wipe off. Repeat if needed. Worked great for us. Wire brush will work, but makes a dust/mess.
  22. I just wanted to say good luck to all the deer hunters going out this week. Be safe out there. If your lucky to knock em' down, !!PLEASE!! post pictures. Cheers.
  23. LOL, too funny. That's why I don't go to those docks anymore.
  24. I use a dual bank Quest, wired in parallel to each battery.
  25. Got my mine and my dad's for 77c last Thursday. Antlered or Anterless. Just got back from checking all the stands.
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