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About UglyBug

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    What Doesn"t

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Almost a Guide

Almost a Guide (5/10)



  1. My Titan pulled out 2 dodges from our annual off road mud buggie weekend so i think it speaks for itself.
  2. Titan all the way
  3. 30 year old Cask strength Brora single malt whiskey, beer is for "whats another name for Cats" LOL
  4. Did i just read that you had no insurance and where driving..... is so no compasion here thats just plain stupid. However if I read it wrong ignore the stupid remark but still no compasion
  5. I dont go fishing to be "IN" the water..I always like to be "ON" the water. I would think thats a typo. If not, all the more reasons to wear the thing..
  6. Without causing any hard feelings, I would say not wearing it demonstrates a lack of common sense.
  7. "Always" If big motor on so is life jacket and kill switch No exceptions in my boat. Just like seat belt you get into the habit
  8. Sure sure with out pictures it's just a myth
  9. Nope never, and never a single problem
  10. What's done is done. There are countless instances where man got involved and screwed stuff up. Just work with what you have. Besides I think humans are a invasive species.
  11. Hey it's a Ranger not a Triton dude! That's why there called lead sleds
  12. Wow you catch on quick don't you, A well stirred pot insures nothing sticks to the bottom and makes sure the flavor is well distributed through out... In other words, other peoples opinions make up the flavor of life, and we should not be so quick to them cast asided. So grasshopper you have learned a valuable lesson today. to which i am proud of you.. And as always Enjoy life, the alternative is not so fun..TTFN
  13. Me wound too tight, lol nope I take nothing in this life to serious. just try to enjoy what I can bud
  14. Thanks for correcting the typos and proving me right , TOO tight indeed
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