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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Boat looks good,the fishing nice as well! Can''t even get the tarp off mine,the snow and ice won't let me lol.
  2. Sinker I don't get it?,if you were paying Insurance premiums what was the reason given you could not collect?Doesn't make sense to me. Very sorry to hear about your situation.Hope things are better now.
  3. Heading out in the am tomorrow! woohoo!!

    1. misfish


      Should of went today,,,Just saying.LOL

    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Really?,should of.

    3. misfish


      Should of,,,,,,,,,;0)

  4. Isn't it though!!!!They should be able to tell me how I should pass it on to my customers?.. Oh forgot,that's my problem.
  5. Peters is seeing everything!!!Toronto could of been way a head. Let's see if the leafs can hold a 1-0 lead into the second.
  6. You hate to speak to soon,but Carolina looks terrible so far!
  7. Great shots!!!,there determination always amazes me.
  8. That remindes me of a river monster program.The local guy went off to anchor his net and never surfaced.Found a catfish drowned with him in his mouth 90%.That was in Africa I believe?.Very similar to your picture! Unreal .This fellow didn't have any boots on though!!
  9. I don't like them either,but I was reminded by my late grandfather 30 years ago .If it wasn't for them we would still be working 7 days a week,12 hour days for crap money.Anyone heard that a time or two growing up?.
  10. With your particular situation,I agree you at least have to go the next step.If your next time or so is termination because of a jerk manager.I would do the same.
  11. I'd say,WTG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Isn't that the truth!!!!!!!!!!!lol.
  13. Had to laugh,he sounded exactly like bubbles before I clued in to your one line intro.Too funny! nice fish!
  14. Great report Mike as always!!!!!,..Good friends do make the difference!!!!
  15. I guess when perch get tough to catch,fluro and smaller line may very well work. I never new they would be so fussy. With a tip of a minnow? Soon as you hit the bottom they were on.Even in the summer with small /medium spinners it's hard to keep them away some times.
  16. Thanks guys for the info,which I will read fully later. Why would I not be able to collect compensation for my self if I was hurt doing a repair?. I now will be paying WSIB insurance for that reason. Please enlighten me as if you pay for insurance for when you need it, it better be there.Why wouldn't it?.
  17. This form you mention,where and how do I get one Gerritt?.
  18. Agreed,that would be a better choice!
  19. Good for him,but how can they change the charge like that?
  20. Really ?,even small speeding tickets?.Accidents I can see.
  21. I'm sure it's not quite that easy. Just talked to a friend that received a ticket in New Jersey 5 weeks ago. About 3 weeks ago he received it in the mail.Paid it by money order. He also believes it won't reflect on his insurance.
  22. How do you think the leafs will fare against Florida?,I think the boys in blue may be a bit tired.I hope I'm wrong.
  23. I had one going through Washington on the way to Myrtle beach,back than you paid on the spot,no one new noothiiing!I think out of state out of mind.
  24. Vinyl as said is great,but a piece of carpet for the dog is a must I would say. Something washable or at least able to clean with a hose would fare you well.
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