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About Hookset

  • Birthday 02/10/1963

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  1. "... and the DOG was licking his..." He was my favorite comedian ever. As old as some of his stuff was, it never got old. Sad news indeed. Hookset.
  2. That's pretty rough for sure. Sorry to hear about a lost friend. Dogs make the best friends. I'll give my old guy a hug in her memory. My buddy is on his last legs too, he has a disease which deteriorates the nerve leading from the spine to his hips / legs. He can barely walk but is in zero pain. When he can't get up anymore it'll be time to say goodbye. I figure he has a couple months at best. Life can be a real carp at times. Just remember the good times you had, they will outweigh the sadness. God Bless, Hookset.
  3. I'll be spending the opener on a back lake in Muskoka. No fishing pressure and I'll have the lake to myself....HEAVEN !!! It'll probably be this lake Have a great opener !!! Hookset.
  4. Whenever I place my traps I tie two of them together (they're cheap) on one rope and chuck them into the water. It never fails that one trap will always catch more minnows than the other one. It just increases your odds that one trap will be in the preferred position to attract more minnows. I've just recently moved and set both traps in a little flow of water in a boggy swamp. One trap pulled 20+ minnows, the other one had 3. I've been using 2 traps on one line for years and was actually showing a C.O. what I caught when he stopped by to see what I was up to. He didn't say he had any issue with me using 2 traps and said he thought it was a good idea so I'm pretty confident it's legal. Others may differ. Hookset.
  5. I used to troll Lake O with a good friend of mine. Years ago. On a short lead he'd use a snub on a long lead he would not. Dunno if this helps but it's what he did, and he caught fish. Hookset.
  6. Great white shark... Cruising the shallow beaches looking for unsuspecting meals hidden in bikini's. Thongs used for flossing Drunk and stupid, marinated in Sun Tan Oil. Ya Baby, Hookset.
  7. So now you're the Toyotasheriff ? Nice truck. For a Toyota... Hookset.
  8. Yep...can't sleep the night before either until about a half hour before it's time to get up then I pass out That's usually just on the special days like opening weekends, tourneys and such now days though. So on those days I stay on the couch with the alarm clock set. Fully dressed. Coffee pot programmed. All gear loaded. Alarm goes off, stand up, pour coffee, and walk out the door...perfect. Hookset.
  9. It won't stop at 350... Do you remember when the first 600 cc snowmobile came out ? People thought that was crazy. I remember people talking about how the deaths due to speed would soar. Now they max out at over 1000 cc. Some Road Bikes top out at 2000 cc. I forget the name of which V Twin cruiser that is actually. Imagine each piston on a V twin being 1000 cc. ? I had a cruiser years ago and took my friends Suzuki GSXR 1200R out for a spin. 75 m.p.h. in second gear and tons of throttle left. I couldn't believe it. And now that bike wouldn't touch the 185 m.p.h. stock (yes stock) Suzuki Hayabusa. If the transom on a boat is big and strong enough someone will make a motor to max it out. Maybe Aircraft Carriers and Submarines won't be the only nuclear powered things on the water. Hookset.
  10. You hit the nail on the head. Now that the GO train goes to Barrie it makes loading them a lot easier. He was supposed to get off at union station though and help with the Canada Goose population at the waterfront. Hookset.
  11. As far as the resort industry goes...Yes it started at the end of last season and the impact has been felt right from the start this year. In the Muskoka's everyone is feeling the pinch. Part of the problem is the Boom of resorts and golf courses which have exploded here in the last 10 years. It was a stretch for a lot of these places to reach a profitable occupancy when there was no recession (for lack of a better word). And now that the economy is going for a dump you can expect to hear a lot more about it. i.e. - closures, sales of properties, increased prices etc. etc.... Sad thing is for people who work at these resorts (believe me we can't afford to stay at them) the pressure to do more for less money is continually increasing. Stress is a killer. It's the reason I've decided to move on in 2 - 3 weeks. I have nothing firm to go to but sometimes you have to leap before you are sure where you will land, they call that life. Hookset.
  12. Ahhh heck....it wasn't that bad . Walleye fishing all weekend here and we had the following : Rain Rain and snow Rain and sleet Rain and Sun ??? Snow and Sun ??? Snow Sleet Black Flies. oh ya and WIND. But hey, we caught some nice 'Eyes. And the weather just made the fillets taste that much better. I knew it was cold when I got a minnow outta the bucket and my hand actually warmed up. The May two four weekend - it'll put hair on ya in places you never expected. Hookset.
  13. Just a heads up... When you pick up these Gulp baits (in the small bucket) be sure you do not pick them up using the attached handle. With the lid off these will definitely dump out and cause one heck of a mess. Even with the lid on you will see what I mean. Just a poor packaging design of a good bait. I just took the handle right off - easy to do - solved the problem. save yourself some grief. Hookset.
  14. I usually use minnows this time of year but I like the looks of these leeches. The 3" leeches in a tub I got at Walmart and the 5" came in plastic packs that I got in Tremblays in Orillia. Put them all in the Tub and made awesome leech soup !!! Hookset.
  15. The picture of that 850 lb'er jumping is amazing. Wonder if those sharks would hit say...a 2 foot long Chug Bug ? Hookset.
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