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fishin jesus

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Everything posted by fishin jesus

  1. what a true artform...just amazing to see
  2. [if ya wanna catch Steelhead....Stealth is the name of the game. When you are up over them they think your a predator. BillM is totally right.......if you can see them.....they saw you way way before that. Stealth.....flourocarbon...and distance witll produce. the fly isnt as important as the presention. Just stay at it as its a patient mans game.......it will come one day. When it does the addiction will begin. tight lines
  3. tHE DEADLY Pink work strikes again.....trout candy!!! . way to go....great fish. I've walked way to miles alreay this year to find zero Steelhead so far....rain rain rain
  4. anything flashy.....tie lots of chrystal flash in the tail......and sparkled up cheneille. The Salmon stike out of aggression and protection and not for the food. Mostly angry males hit the flashy flies. the chinook are pretty old and booty now...........we need rain more than I can ever remember to get those Trout upstream .
  5. How does this ignorant guy have my handle ???....he's making me look bad.
  6. it's that time of the year again.....yahoooooooooooo . Time to dig out the " hot shot" feet warmers and fingerless gloves......great catch BTW!!!!!
  7. Hi guys Does anyone now know wear you can park around the Dundas bridge ???. There is a car wash there now so im stumped, and dont know where I can access the river or park where i won't be towed .I refuse to go to the " slaughter park" downstream .please pm me if you can.
  8. my name is Mike.....and i am a Fly fishing addict . i live in Milton ( just moved her from the East end ). you can find my on most sunday morning stalking fish along a quiet river bank . Steelhead is in my " DNA" as I'm a full blown steelhead junkie. if im not chasing Chrome around im looking for resident Browns. I just love being outside and being in the outdoors with nature. if anyone ever needs help and is new into fly fishing....feel free to reach out to me and hopefully i can point you in the right direction.
  9. Graham is the BEST guide ive ever gone out with...and the only guide I'll ever go out with. The guy is a PRO. Really patient, easy going guy with more knowledge than any person i've ever met. Very affordable and the best money you will ever spent. He teaches you as oppossed to pointing and saying ' Cast over there". Good call Bill M. i go out every year a few times....i learn sonmething new every time.....he also takes you to different pools so you can learn the river.
  10. Well my " Gar" quest was an official skunkage. However, thanks to a bunch of leads off this board and after talking with a bunch of locals, i did manage to get all the info needed for next season. We had no boat and it was windy, and apperently this isnt the time of year for them to be near wading grounds. We ended up seeing alot of new places, met some good people on the journey and found a new Pickeral honeyhole...........half the fun is the chase.......thanks again boys for the help!!!
  11. [i cant believe I've yet to see 1 of these things. Any places you can just wade out without a boat?...seems they like the shallow weedy area's. i'll be out in Belleville area all weekend, and would love to break out the waders and 7wt and take a shot at them from the shoreline. i like the boat.......but i LOVE walking and wading Thanks again for all the help and advise....if anyone needs to get pointed towards Trout feel free to hit me up.
  12. Great helps guys....thanks as always.
  13. My friend is non stop talking about trying to catch a Gar Pike with a fly rod this summer. well, it's his birthday on Saturday so we decided this Saturday we hit the Belleville area to help strike off 1 of his bucket list fish.....does anybody have any clue as to where to launch the boat in the Belleville area that might by chance put us near some goos Gar Pike water???? I'm a Trout fisherman so this is waaaaaay out of my comfort zone trying to catch 1 of these fish. I heard they like to lay out in the shallows and sun....but this saturday it's suppossed to rain so there goes that plan of attack.......any tips would help bigtime.
  14. Honey/or Maple Syrup, Soy Sauce, dejean mustard, with a touch of ginger.......let it marinate for a few hours in the baking dish. Just before you but it in the over sprinkle sesame seeds over the fish. serve it over a plate of rice.....spoon the sauce over the fish and rice and you are the local heroe at home !!! im hungry now just thinking about it
  15. Thanks Bill........If you had to pick between 16 mile and Bronte ...where would you go first?. I hear a lot of things about Bronte but im just still getting familiar with 16 mile. I went for a drive yesterday to scout out the creeks and both look great.....water is really low i noticed compard to the Eastern Tribs. PM me if you could please?
  16. THANKS CHRIS.........Yeah i just read all the regulations for the area and got on google earth to get my bearings. can't wait to explore the new turf. starting from scrath again but thats half the fun i guess.
  17. Hi guys I'm a die hard Steelhead guy but unfortunately for me my entire career fishing has been spent from Pickering East for the last 25 years. I'm a new resident to the Milton area and I'm already starting to panic as I am NOT familiar with any of the water out this way. I've heard the middle Grand holds Steelhead and obviously Bronte does aswell...........but what about around Milton ?......Ive hiked a bunch of the creeks already but im not sure if they are tiny ravines due to the heat wave or raging Steelhead waters in the Springtime. If there is anyone who could point me in the correct direction I'd be more than appreciative. Not looking for " the secret spots" as I'm more than willing to put on hiking boots and scout the creeks personally.....just looking for a push in the correct location as there seems to be alot of tiny creeks and Im a little overwhelmed. thanks guys/gals
  18. I think getting a picture of just 1 is worth effort !!! That's quite the accomplishment...........pulling out a picture of you holding an Aurora Trout basically is like holding a " Trump card" , when it comes fish bragging sessions !!! . i've seen l;ots of Trophy Pike and Bass but NEVER could they compare to Aurora Trout !!!!!!!!11
  19. hey there, i was going to go fish for Aurora Trout this year but I thought it was in the Regs. that you could only catch 1 fish ( your choice to keep it or not ) then you had to leave. That kept me from going . You can't even catch and release the fish.....just catch 1 then leave the water. i obviously miss understood the regs............and i'm in 100% this year. Beauty fish!!!!!
  20. hey there... i believe Troutfitters doe's not exsist anymore in Fergus....i heard they sold it to Wilson's? anyone else hearof this?
  21. Been there a bunch of times........stasyed at Beaverland tons. they are great little cabins and the owner is a hard hard hard worker. ask him to move huts around and he will . You dont need to get out into big Marten and there is incredible fishing walking distance from the Cabins. go under the first bridge and there is a point about 50 yards to your right. fish 20 feet off shore and there is a ledge. White fish and Pike. Big Marten has the Lakers. either way....the scenery is amazing as its so quiet and secluded. Way out to the left is another little river mouth as its flowing from the dam ( say the river with the dam to him ). At the mouth big Pike set up shop in the shallow water weed beds. Wish i was going.........had 1 of the best boys weekends of all time there. this year has been all out of whack with the weather.........crossing my fingers you will slay them...if not...bring lots of vino and deacks of cards!!
  22. thanks for the help guys......if anyone is capable of getting skunked in blue ribbon rivers it's me !!! lol....i need all the advice i can get
  23. Hi guys I'm heading for 2 weeks on a Fly fishing trip to Argentina . I'll be fishing in an area called Malargue, Las Lenas. Has anyone ever been down there by chance that can help me out ? fishing Rio Atuel, Rio Cobre,Rio Grand in Valle Hermoso
  24. lots of things to look into, river permits, rod permits, regulations, pool ediquittes and taking an Atlantic on a dry fly could meen working on 1 fish for up to 12 hours and possible end up with zero fish. The rivers alone are worth seeing as you can sight fish from 30 yards away....but if your looking to catch 100% it's not ike that. It can get very expensive when you add up all things involved. Personally i'd look into timing it for the /sea run Broot trout........they fight like crazy and can get up to 8 or 9lbs. you can cut the ticker tape permits in half and have a greater success rate. Although taking an Atlantic on a dry is every fly fishermans dream...........go into it prepared to NOT catch...and be okay with that.I spend 12 hours dry fly fishing in cape Breton and had 1 fish explode beside my fly but that was all the action for the day. I personally thought it was worth it just to witness it, but I enjoy every second on the river catching or not........... you can't go wrong either way........................................don't count ot the Broot Trout fishing in the Nippigon area if your looking for the epic trip fly fishing. you save on all kings of things , especially on lisense and permits and ofcourse lodging.........the same drive time from Toronto to gaspe and T.O to Nippigon /river. Beachene is another incredible Trout fishery I'm jealous
  25. All the above is strong advice. The other important advice is to " don't give up" stay on the river and keep going back. everytime you go , when you leave try to learn atleast 1 new thing by watching the hardcore pro's . Don't be afraid to grill guys on advice....alot of it is feel aswell . Remember everytime you see a guy nailing fish , him/or her were once where you are now. I' remember being so fustrated I thought about quiting atleast 5 times........but once you get that first fish hooked and it goes airborn, you will more than likely be instantly addicted for life. Keep the bait down, and keep tryin!! good luck
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