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Posts posted by manitoubass2



    Lol....on 2 separate occasions the wive's of two locals have approached my wife to tell her that they laugh at their husbands because they spend hours stopping and starting the videos looking for landmarks and trying to triangulate my position with where the sun is etc..etc..and using google earth. It kind of irks me because never have I ever had one comment on my youtube channel from anyone local. It is hilarious to see the embarrassed faces of parents (males) when their kids run up to me and say "My dad watches all of your videos!" but that person has never approached me to say hi or anything. most likely these are some of the people in town who frown on my videos for potentially giving away my location, yet here they are taking advantage of the very thing they all get their knickers in a twist about...lol.

    Hahahah that's hilarious! Kinda shocking for NW Ontario but not really I guess


    Me and my dad fished LOTWs the other day. He's wants to venture out. I was like "nope, best spot around is about 1000 yards away from the dock"


    So we stop in there, within an hour of absolutely smashing walleye we got about 10 boats around. All American(not that that really matters) just kinda funny they come all that way to fish 1000 yards off the government dock lol


    MNR was out big time too. Two boats hauled off for drinking


    Was kinda funny because IM not used to getting crowded or poached up here unless it's winter.

  2. Cliff,


    If your looking for fishing in similar area/ driving distance check out Kashabowie outfitters (atikokan). Last time i was in to a couple camps (mind you 5 years ago) some had hot tubs in a screened in porch. Camps were clean. Fished the one lake off the plane and had 2 limits in 15 minutes. There camps are west and north of thunder bay


    White River Air has nice camps well maintained. Some lakes about ten minute flight from town gets overlooked cause guests think they are "too close". They can be busy they fly for 6 lodges up there as well as their own camps.


    If you want to drive to Red Lake, Howey Bay Resort-Dave Mcleod has some of the best maintained in my opinion. Pretty good moose and bear hunting too and guides. Hard to beat the fishing in Red Lake and probably the most remote part of the province.

    Kashabowi is wicked good!


    Red lake is gnarly. You'll never see as many moose anywhere as red lake. During fall you can't barely hit the speed limit on the highway without an encounter. Also, the bear population is very dense, be prepared if anyone chooses to visit the area


    Stay away from the bars lol

  3. I've been on Erie the last couple days, and its Sheephead floating, happens every year..

    Sheephead is poor man's shrimp, I know a few guys that eat them.

    Filet Sheephead, cut filet in strips, one cup of salt in boiling water soup pot, drop strips in, starts to float and turn white, scoop out and put on ice cubes, dip in Shrimp Sauce. :good::wacko:

    You can do the same with Musky, Bass.

    And there is some people that will eat Tilapia or Basa from Vietnam river sewer.

    You'd be surprised , what you'd eat buried in Shrimp Sauce, and say it was good. :whistling:

    Even shrimp sauce won't make basa taste good lol


    By far the worst fish I've ever tasted

  4. I hope he does, but I hope he keeps the salary range in check too. At some point you have to realize you can't do it all and need to rely on others to carry the load. That's what a team is for, along with that the endorsement $$$ they have at their feet is probably ridiculous, so to stay competitive you can't always demand a max contract

    Didn't Crosby do that to keep Malkin on board?

  5. I'm glad the perp was caught. How did you know they were missing?



    They never leave the yard without asking, so it was a dead givaway


    After canvassing the neighborhood it was even more clear.


    Again, props to OPP. You never wanna see it of course, but im astounded how quick and coordinated they worked in this case



  6. WU sure nailed it last night, right down to the minute!


    Holy hell that was a gnarly storm. I got 3 trees in the yard struck by lightning! Thankfully they didn't fall on the camper or she'd


    Im not sure if I've ever seen that much lightening?


    Sinker, I bet ya got quite the show on LOTWs last night!!!!

  7. You didn't get an Amber alert because my dumb ... Didn't call OPP right away


    It's incredible what goes through your mind and how illogical your thought process becomes


    But OPP, thank God, took it as serious as they should. We spend all July 1st at the office being questioned etc. They flew in a special investigator and the whole nine yards

  8. Good thing the fishing was great lol.


    I'd be furious but alas, you took the right route IMO


    I've actually had the opposite happen. Found a lodge near ear falls(not a fly in)


    The owner said it was decent cabins but the fishing was great. Price was waaaày low so I though for sure it was gonna be a crappy cabin


    Turns out it had satellite t.v, a huge kitchen, slept 12 easily, had an awesome deck and was up on a hill over viewing the lake. Place was heaven on Earth


    In winter I actually ended up living there for 5 months lol. $525 a month, he plowed the road daily. Made supper almost every night


    Sleepy dog cabins, if your ever in the area, it's def. Worth a look at. The owner is awesome, cabins top notch (a few have hot tubs), and wine lake is not spectacular, but it's good.

  9. Well the past days have been tough. My youngest daughter and my nephew went missing briefly.


    Talk about a mind ......


    But by the grace of God we found them safe and sound.


    Without getting into details, the perp has been charged.


    It's been a long 2 days. So me pops and I hit the water of LOTWs at 4 am. Target, brule point.


    Did not disappoint. We hit maybe 40 or so Walters, a tonne of snot rockets and a few good bass(smallies)


    Pops took an OT shift so we were off the water around 1pm


    All in all a great day, and some much needed therapy


    Keep your family safe folks. This all happened in a blink of an eye. And I've never been more terrified in my life


    Im sure y'all understand.


    Be safe, happy, healthy and tight lines! Most of all, keep them kiddos SAFE!


    Also, credit to the OPP for being amazingly helpful


    go to your library, on the right side of the screen there will an Actions menu, click download album, will download it to a zip file, unpack it, then reload it somewhere else. i chose imgur

    In the process now, thank you good sir!


    I'll also look at imgur

  11. WU was my go to for years. In my area it's very accurate. Then last year it went to complete crap for some reason? It was waaaày off daily and I deleted it.


    About 6 months ago I downloaded it again and it's on the mark like it was before?


    Weird, but im happy it's working again

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