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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. When filleting bass, you should be removing what we have called the mud-line. Don't know what it's really called: but it runs up the center of the fillet, starting at the tail end and goes about 1/3 the length. I believe that little bit of mussel, is what can give bass that harsh flavor.



    Not a very good picture.


    Lol even that fillet looks gross!


    To each their own I spose

  2. i believe the fish is 7 lbs...it could be 9 you never know! ive seen 6lb looking fish go 4, ive seen 4 lb fish go over 5 all the bloody time.


    Thats why its important to weigh fish rather than make claims...the amount of "5lbers" i hear people catch...put it on a good scale



    My PB is 6lbs, my son's is 6lbs 4oz but it doesn't really look that big. But that belly!

  3. Watch for worms. Especially if it isn't a deep/cold lake.


    I don't eat them or smallies. But I've had too a few times and it's def. Not like a crappie


    If it's a cold lake, I cannot see why cooking in a tinfoil bag with butter and seasoning of your choice wouldn't at least be edible

  4. I regularly witness people catching Walleye at night in the Kawarthas, yelling over loud about how it's legal, then run to their car or truck and drive off. Five minutes later they're back fishing again. It's not "foreigners from Toronto" doing this (not saying that doesn't happen too).

    I see it here too. Camp is 1000 yards from a great fishing hole. They just make runs back and forth over and over again

  5. I grabbed a madtom once while catching minnows as a teenager. That was the most painful spine jab I ever received, way worse than that from a bullhead. Ouch.

    I can't even imagine that. First time I grabbed a bullhead was the last lol. Felt like I got electrocuted

  6. I think there's a lot of room to expand fines before introducing jail sentences. However, having a dividing line between minor and major offenses with jail time for the latter makes sense. Examples: minor - took the skin off a limit of fish. major - illegal/unattended gill nets. One of these is a fine, the other should see jail time. Yes? No?

    I'd agree

  7. i gotta make a point...


    what would be the charge if i got caught speeding, and subsequently also didnt have a drivers license...me thinks I would be in more trouble that the people that got fishing with no license in a sanctuary...

    No license = no insurance


    Isn't that an auto $5000 on its own?

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