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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. Just imagine if we had this kinda sharing of pics back when we were kids. Not one, but two stringers of smallies hanging off the boat. Father, grandfather, uncle, and 3 sons and a daughter . LOL


    With in the limit, alls good here.

    Geez, I have an old pic somewhere around here of mah Gramps and 4 guys are holding like 100 walleye lol


    It sure was different back then



    By the way OP, nice bass!

  2. By the way, the best bass and pike recipe for you:


    Sprinkle both side of the wet filets with liberal amounts of Old Bay seasoning. Then flour them and fry in a 50/50 mixture of butter and vegetable oil.

    I've only done this with pike/walleye but it is indeed amazing


    So is flour/seasoning salt(sounds gross) but once cooked wow

  3. As an angler and Skateboarder, I really love golf.


    You can't master it.


    It has most of the elements of fishing too


    And Canadians usually root for Canadians, so I get that


    My personal favorite though is Jordan spieth. Not only is he a great golfer, but he's young, rarely drinks(youde be amazed how many pro golfers are drunks/alcoholics), and he tips his caddies very well

  4. It's all in the grip. I've handled a couple thousand over the years, mostly caught by hand line, and I learned early as a kid. Had a few dandy infections, and those wounds are sore as hell and lasted a long time, even as a kid. There are three main methods I use, one grip from the front of the head for cleaning purposes which doesn't involve dealing with the dorsal spine, and one from the back of the head for hook removal which does involve dealing with the dorsal spine. In both cases the lateral spines are locked forward between the index and middle finger on one side of the fish and the thumb behind the other lateral spine. Basically like a three finger claw. This gives a real solid grip. The back of those lateral spines aren't smooth either so after a good whack of catching and cleaning fingers can get raw in spots, but that's a good sign lol. The trick with the rear grip is to start a bit forward and fold the dorsal spine back and down under your palm as you lock in with the claw. Then you're fine. Some times the same grip from under the jaw works well too after catching, which doesn't involve the dorsal either, but it's not as strong a grip.

    The main precaution is to wait until they've settled down before putting the grip on them, that will prevent most spikings, as I call them. I will say that those 2-3lb black bullheads are way stronger so more care and a real strong grip is needed. I'm way more used to the smaller browns. Real simple and fast to clean too, under 10 sec easy and no t-bone left like you see in the stores


    I'm actually surprised you don't spring fish at least for them up your way Rick, assuming they are up there. Great eating, freezes very well, no limits and usually lots of fish caught. Can be a great family event too, specially with a shoreline fire for the nite fish, bells on rods or hand lines ringing in the darkness and kids running to them... Fun times, it's often been a yearly social event with the guys over the years too as well as getting a years supply in the freezer during the spring run.



    I probably should. Sounds fun anyhow


    My experience came frog hunting. Seen one dosile in the water and just grabbed it. Huge mistake


    Nice tips though! I'd be willing to give it a go


    I never see them anymore during daylight though??? Always at night. They come almost right on shore

  5. The real shame is, that we share our adventures, trials and tribulations of a fishing episode. It for the most of us, is to share and hope each and everyone, will enjoy our outings. Why do others need to know the wheres? Why, can you just not read or watch the great adventure from those that have put the time in?


    I do not get the law thing here, or do I understand what it means.


    This is another mess the WWW has created and become.


    I am not a FB fan, nor a member. Im sure these fishing sites are of no difference, but not the same following numbers as FB. You tube is no different. Yes I post on said site, but I post not to be a bused, or to be asked where, but to share my fishing delight. If I were to come across what Mike has, I would stop posting.


    I am no Mike Borger, I am but a spit of what he has done. I goof around with my reports,they are minuscule,but no matter, a post of fishing, no scratch that, a post of any means, dose not give the right of anyone, to ask, or , demand, info of the said report.

    I know from reading many reports, Mike has helped many people, yet he gets this slap in the face. Someone is trying to pull strings here. I hope that someone loops a string on this persons balls and pulls it so tight, his balls turn blue and purple, then fall off like a unwanted mole.



    With that said


    We are our own worst enemy in this WWW. Sad ,as it may be, it is true, and very SAD.


    Win this one for the future Mike


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