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Everything posted by manitoubass2

  1. Ill make ya a deal. Ill transfer you some money to buy a $300 BBQ, and you send me the same?? My BBQ took two hits last year from high winds but never got damaged thankfully.
  2. Hahaha thats awesome! For those that dont know, OI and I are in contact with each other fairly frequently and Id consider him a great guy(sometimes???) Its all good, our age seperates us and we have fun with it. No worries.
  3. Good thing you added that smily face bill, you hiphoppster???
  4. There ya go! Thats def not private property. Take the sign down "Go hooligan on it" had me laughing hahaha
  5. Thats some gnarly damage. I have a softspot in my heart for BBQ's? Hopefully its not on you. Keep us updated
  6. Im waaaays away from you but we've had some pretty strong winds the past 3 nights. Which is odd around here unless its storming. Usually the wind dies right off around 8-9pm
  7. Maybe the Op can clarify where the sign is posted? If its on private property let the MNR handle it IMO But the way its described, and the reaction of the CO strongly lead me to believe it is not on private property(again I may be wrong).
  8. The Op said the sign is located in a bay, which leads me to believe its off private property(may be wrong here) I wouldnt smash it but I would indeed write "not authorized by the MNR on it. Whomever put it there can feel free to rub it off with one of those magic erasers???
  9. Maybe I should as smiley faces??? Frig I wouldn't smash the sign haha. That IS interfering will legal angling and should be considered illegal. Oldironmaker my friend, I don't drink Pepsi, or pop for that matter???
  10. I seen this posted on facebook yesterday. A "small" part of me was hoping for a rear headbutt from the moose. This guy probably thinks hes some sort of hero now too?
  11. Go write on the sign Not authorized by MNR Or smash it
  12. They could, but its like asking the stanley cup to be decided in one game.
  13. I could only imagine if Gord filled that position! Imagine the president of the MNR pulling up in a boat telling you the lakers are shallower then usual????
  14. Rob, is anyone against Gord? Friggen guy is insanely knowledgeable about all things fishing and hes super good at presenting it in a friendly manner. I met him at a seminar in Emo ontario years back and its was such a treat to hear his insights to angling and various species.
  15. Sadly this will probably be the last time they ask. Lotsa people like carp fishing and im sure those people would have loved this idea. Too bad really on many different levels. Im not in the area but I would have loved to watch it. Carpers are intense, its entertaining
  16. Ive made it very clear in another thread where I stand lol(although its not that popular) Sounds like you handled this fish well and after you clipped the barb I myself would release. Fish can tend to bleed alot until put back in the water. In this case IMO you handled it very well.
  17. Spiel, Take it easy bud, Canada is going to run outta meat????
  18. No pics but one of my favorite snacks, super easy too. Preheat oven to 425 Cut two yams(sweet potatoes) into slice about 1/4-1/2" thick Light painting of olive oil and some sea salt. Flip after about 15 20 mins and cook until edges get crispy Mmmmmmmmmm
  19. For sure Bruce! Ivy is loving all the attention and activities. I thought it would be a long first week but shes fit right in! Already mingling with the other dogs and just havin fun? She dint like to be left alone though thats for sure. She just howls away. Shes eating good and no issues doing her outside business now. What an awesome pup!!!
  20. Not too shabby bill!!! Get a report up!!! Chris, how was fishin with bill?
  21. Smile Chris! ??? Hummers, lots of hummers! Happy first fathers day to ya! I hope "lil fisher" gave his daddy some hugs today!
  22. Well im a fatty these days. I better get on it and make this dish??? Thanks for the info!
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