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Posts posted by moxie

  1. Why don't you ask the same of the guys who put M5 kits on old 323i's?


    It's the action that makes the gun, not the cosmetics.

    Sin and the art of splitting hairs. Manipulating perception just leads to more trouble than its worth concerning this issue. Like automatic weapons, not necessary.

  2. They are trying to ban firearms that even look the part.

    A friend posted a picture on FB that made the point very well.

    Have a look at this picture and tell me which firearm they want to ban and which one they don't.




    Just so you know they are both Ruger semi auto 10-22's.

    The bottom one just has different accessories added to it.

    They are both just target/squirrel guns.

    Can you kill someone with it, sure you can but there are much better choices.

    It's like trying to kill an elephant with a fly swatter.


    They want to ban anything that looks anything like a military weapon.

    Will it stop violence and mass murder, of course it won't.

    It just makes some anti gun people happy is all.

    Is it necessary they be made to look like something they aren't ?

  3. Still kinda civil......so far. Guns are guns and guns have purpose. Firearms used to hunt game and control pests are useful when handled by vetted and responsible civilians. Weapons(guns of war) are useful in the field of war and civilian life when used by trained personnel in the defence of civilians and said personnel. There is no war here at this moment and until there is, an automatic weapon is of no use to civilians. Just my thoughs

  4. Those drag numbers only seemed to have become an issue since they made it one? How many of us fish for bass in an area where 15 - 20 pounders are present? Just my view? It is a marketing ploy. Granted you are in an area where bigger fish are present, muskie, pike and such, just my experience fishing up north? If your not using a steel leader, floro or whatever it might not matter much anyway?


    LOL, I competed in bass tournaments here for 30 years or so, locating them was always more of an issue that the tackle I was using. Once I stuck them? loosing them was never an issue unless I made a poor hook choice for the water, light wire hooks aren`t the way to go in slop, or where bigger than average fish are common.



    Understood but the concern is the slop and junk that comes into play when flipping cover so its nice to know you have the drag power to rip through and haul in when the need arises.



    Just a side note, BPS carries some great reels at an affordable price. Just because a major brand name isn't stamped onto the side plate doesn't mean they aren't worthy of a look. It doesn't always have to cost $200+ to purchase a well made reel that can be functional, reliable and be so for years. All that glitters is not gold.

  5. I thought all the fun was being out at midnight on the friday? Loved doing that with my oldman when I was a kid.

    Yup. I remember being in school on those May Fridays, looking at the clock as the seconds ticked by ever so slowly all the while anticipating the midnight openers but Cappy brings up a good point. Good luck with getting the "HammerHeads" at the MNR to do anything that might make a little sense.

  6. We all have our vices.

    I understand Sin, but really now. How long can one someone be kicked in the teeth before they figure out it just isn't worth it. Athletes are the equivalent of the gladiators of old. Unlike their predecessors, they live to fight another day, are worshiped like gods and are paid a handsome ransom they do not deserve. Very disturbing indeed. I have a third nipple so I guess the leafs could have a chance.......NOT!!!!

  7. Round and round we go, where it stops nobody knows. There isn't any money to implement solutions and therefore the implementation of more stringent rules is the only substitute. Working our way to a Trillion dollar Deficit, an astronomical to even begin to get my head around. Conservation is all we have left, after every thief in the rats' nest has taken their share. Sorry folks but the sooner we all realize and admit that this is the truth, the better.

  8. Virtually everything we know is subsidized. If not only the "Rich"(old money) would be able to afford the luxuries we think are standard means. Transit, electricity, schooling, garbage collection, infrastructure and so on and so on. Wal-Mart has a store built for them with the promise of creating jobs and commerce, does anyone here believe they absorb the full cost? Try and get a college education in the U.S for the same cost we do here. Again, its what is done with that money that our expectations should be based on. A "Call to Action". Falling on deaf ears.......Again.

  9. Chiefs are equivalent to mayors....On average a mayor is paid 95 K a year....on average a chief is paid 36k a year (there are cheifs that do it for nothing)....Spence is paid 69 k a year what her boyfriend makes isnt relative like it isnt relative what Rob Fords wife makes per year....Spences boyfriend may make 850 a day ...but may only work one day a month for his services to the band so in essence ....he would make 850 a month and the only reason he is employed by the band is because of the stringent reports that have to be submitted to our Gov justifying the money that is released to the band with full disclosure for transparency...On the other hand ...our government claims they give 90 million to the band when in essence they havent given them a fraction of that money...Where is the money????Harper says he doesnt know and he cant disclose where the money actually is...(I would expect someone to be held accountable....but it will get swept under the rug)

    Now lets look at the issue of starving waterless people living in a town/rez while the Chief is makeing 69k a year and now putting her life on the line for them....Rob Ford makes in excess of 100k a year and walks right past people living under bridges in toronto....but interesting enough ...do you think Ford would put his life on the line for the homeless people in Toronto?...i hardly think so....It just wouldnt happen from a politician ....but he will scream to the Federal Government for money to build parks under bridges and get it .....so ...if we are all equal Canadians ....what is more important drinking water that doesnt light on fire or ensuring your city kids have a bridge to play under in style...



    Our household, as many others pay over 50% of our take to Governments every damn year and we are getting less and less in return. Aren't we all CANADIANS here? Look at this as a CALL TO ACTION. We could hijack this protest and let the rats in every governmental institution from coast to coast realize that its time to pay the dealer his due. Its not about how much anyone makes but what we expect in exchange. They love it when their social engineering stamp divides us because it pits us against each other instead of them. But alas, it will probably end up as another opportunity lost. Say what we will about the Indians and how they conduct themselves but at least they have the nuts to stand up and be counted.


  10. I'm not implying anything... I'm stating a fact. Barrie's "protest" made my daughter late for work.

    Your implications are bang on Wayne. They don't have to work, They don't pay taxes, Their chiefs are given boat loads of our money every wrong word year. But lets turn this on its head this time. If you have time, join them. This could be a great cause for all Canadians to get behind. After all its called "Idle No More". Just a thought. I like a lot of what Harpers' done but lets be frank, politicians don't work for us they appease us enough so we don't light the store on fire.

  11. We need an open season on politicians. No hunger strikes, blockades or protests that are pushed to the side of the road and not taken seriously. A short, week long window to sting the thieves that continue to lower our quality of life without impunity. It might seem a tad Barbaric but it would keep them accountable.

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