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Posts posted by moxie

  1. I purchased an old tinny years back and couldn't find the bill of sale. I went to a Notary(court house or law firm) as described above and signed a declaration, made a donation of $10 and had it sealed. The next step was to take the declaration to a Canada Customs office and apply for a vessel permit and I believe it cost an additional $10 at that time. The last step is to purchase letters and numbers and affix them to the hull. Not that big a deal if you do some leg work on the internet before hand. Good luck.

  2. Gulp minnows catch fish like crazy, of all sizes. I've never been able to go to the CTC rack and pick up a more reliable bait for lots of bites for almost any species. Panfish, crappies, bass, pike, steelhead, even caught carp on em.


    The Gulp nightcrawlers worked OK for me. I bought the floating ones specifically for harness fishing... In this case, nothing beats live.

    X2. Always have 2-3 bags on hand. They are a great go to bait for me when fishing is slow. Crawlers not so much

  3. In my mind the heart of the issue is a lack of enforcement of existing provincial laws and regulations. No need to re-invent the wheel on this and invent more regulation. Simply patrol the shoreline more often. Instead, what we have is a special interest group seeking to change the law specific to the area based on some moral compass of their own self interest. If you actually take the time to review the recommendations, you will convince yourself that the hidden imperative is to ban fishing out-right at Grenadier Pond.


    Someone tell me this, why can people fish in New York's Central Park and manage it so successfully? A city 5 times Toronto's size in population. They seem to know how to do it. The answer is this, they enforce the existing laws and stock the ponds.

    X2. Its high time government stayed out of our pockets as well as our lives and enforced laws already in place and fulfil the duties for which they are handsomely paid by us.Instead of us continuing to repeat the dreaded, "It only takes a few apples to spoil the bunch". The time has come to take those Apples out of the basket and toss them in the trash and for special interest groups to find other interests that do not infringe on mine.

  4. Moxie please do tell who your team is? Ole Ole ole ole ohhhle lol


    My sad attempt to type sing the lame soccer song the habs addopted

    I was a leaf fan growing up but have since awakened to a practical reality. I do not, nor will I ever have an allegiance to a hockey team and/or any other professional sports team for that matter. Unless they pay me to wear their colors and cheer them on, they frankly ain't worth my time. Daughters' playoff game is at 5pm today if anyone is interested in absorbing the true essence of sport.



    Edited because I felt like it.

  5. q Awesome simply awesome The laffs are sad sack Bwahaha That was so beautiful it almost brought a tear to my eye. Kessel scores a goal and the parade is back on Bwahaha

    hehehe. It's so much fun pickin on leafers cause they just keep gettin back up and askin for more...

  6. I will look at the G3 as well. I have only heard good things about their boats. Are they all powered with yammys? That 200 sounds like a beast Roy, but I already have a V6 parked in the garage and the fuel costs are pretty sic. Thinking a 90 is a V4? I am starting to realize this isnt as popular a style of boat as I thought they were. Alot of manufactures dont make boats this size in a tiller cofiguration.

    I believe Yamaha and G3 are one in the same.

  7. First fished there as part of their summer program eons ago but haven't since then. Be a shame if they banned fishing since that's where lots of kids get their first taste of it, but the place is multi user location so I wonder if it is related to wildlife or other park users. Because it's in the city and easily accessible, I can see how it can attract fishermen who aren't as considerate as most and will leave stuff around.


    I think it's a case of the few ruining the situation for the many.

    Gotta stop these tree hugging, tin hat wearing, call my kid

    Hayden or Colton loafs...... They need to be stomped out like an unwanted bug....And hard!!!!!!!No place in our society for "Holier than thou" passive aggressive dolts.

  8. Well, Rogers has shown with the Blue Jays that they are finally willing to do what it takes to win.


    Mind you hockey and baseball are completely different animals, as in baseball you can buy championships (more or less).


    But it at least gives a glimmer of hope.


    I don't care of I have to wait 30-40 years to see the Leafs win the cup, as long as Ottawa or Montreal doesn't win one in the meantime.

    Hockey Sinny.... Hockey...Montreal has won a cup in every decade except the last one. The leafs are a sad sack of S#!t and aren't worth the paper the Game Program is written on and until they are Y"all are just whistlin dixie. leaf fans haven't had a leg to stand on for almost half a century so try preachin to someone who don't know the game cause as far as I'm concerned they ain't got any. Game that is........Notice I don't use capital letters when referring to leaf fans? Haven't earned it..... hehehe. I love this.....

  9. Red ? Red Green is that really you ? :canadian:



    lol funny..The point was that the leafs game was "blacked out" well if you have the new digital antenna you wouldn't get RSN or TSN 2 with the best reception. So having said that all games would be blacked out that weren't on CBC or tsn.. I'm not even sure you would get regular TSN on those systems. So to say the games on Leafs Tv are blacked out is a mute point with a digital antenna You most likely would only get to watch Saturday night hockey on CBC..

    hehehe. That would be fair comment if I were a leaf fan . In a nut shell? You'd best be saving your collective breaths and find better things to do until they win a cup(If they ever do). Then and only then do they deserve to have any deserved attention cast their way. Those two behemoths that own them are laughing at you all because win or lose they own you. Hell, I can only imagine how many of you watch their shameful product on a 3" screen. hehehe.

  10. The connected generations don't have a clue because their heads are always pointed in the downward direction. Other than the electricity flowin through the cord TV used to be free and still can be. Of the 900 channels on any network how much repetition and reality crap (Which is as scripted as the day is long) is there? News, Reality and more crap than you can shake a stick at.. $70/Month for filler? $70/Month for dead air? And if you're watching leaf games for an extra $3 a month you are paying $3 too much. hehehe.

  11. Last time I checked you have to pay for all TV viewing either dish or cable,no ?

    Anyone ever heard of a crude implement referred to as an antenna?



    Workin on a lil' ditty and this is what I got so far...


    Woke up one day and what do I see, payin way too much for crappy TV

    Hop in the truck and took a drive you see, gonna try and make it so it works for me.

    Talked to a man with plenty to say, ended up talkin me into an HD-8Bay.

    Up on the roof when I hear the neighbor say, Heard a lot of talk bout those big 8 bays.

    Told m I was tired of ole Rogers and Bell, Now I got my 8 bay and they can go to hell.


    Its' a work in progress and it sucks but then again so do those Monopolizing Media Black Holes.

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