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Posts posted by moxie

  1. Nice!!!! Can't follow the rules if I can't get a hold of a play book. It isn't up to us to seek information when we have paid dearly to have that taken care of that for us. MPs and MPPs don't listen to anyone but their masters for whom they tow party lines. Lip service seems to be the little we get in return for our dime, action must be a higher priced option.

  2. Beautifully said :clapping::clapping::rofl2:

    You like that one? Heres another one. Dave KnowsLess. His Legacy? " Just because you turn a soiled pair of underwear inside out doesn't make them clean." I crack me up!!!!!!









    Note to self ; I'd best refrain from anymore responses to this thread for fear disgruntled Leaf Fans converging on my front lawn brandishing pitch forks while chanting feverishly for my head. At least it will give them something meaningful to chant for.

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