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Posts posted by moxie

  1. The natives don't want this land. The only thing they want is MONEY. 15-20 years ago the natives wanted ipperwash provincial park and the army land. The gov't gave it back to them and they absolutly trashed the whole area. They were dissappointed that they did not get a money settlement. When is enough enough?


    I hear you on the enough is enough. They want both and will piss both away just like they do with just about everything else. Extortion comes in many forms. The most unfortunate aspect is and has always been that any benefits derived from such settlements rarely trickles down to the people that need it most. Their people.

  2. I'm sure they can but they might not want to exercise that option if keeping their jobs is important to them.


    Ontarians forget everything Roy. All it takes is a few promises to get them over the hump and once the ballots are counted, WHAM!!!!!!! Confusius say: He who make false promise, not need honor it.

  3. LMAO!!!! I don't know any facts but I think I'll just label them" Racists". You can have those two cents back if you like.





    They lay claim to the land and they suckered a group to manage it. At our expense of course. That mean we have to replace trees in the case of them wanting to do a little logging? How about fish stocks? Do we re-stock on our dime once they've emptied the bowls? On second thought it is Racism. Reversed Racism. Difference is we won't fight back. You want examples of land claims, there are plenty on the books, past present and more coming down the pipe. Racist???blink.gif

  4. It isn't going to happen and we all know it !! I can see where this is going to end up ... It ridiculous to think the govt will simply hand it over not gonna happen....


    Not only is it going to happen but its as good as done. Laughable. I'd like to see us Band together and tell the Provincial Gooberment We refuse to pay our property taxes until we have done whats right. Who knows, we might all be sitting on disputed and/or claimable land. Fat chance huh? Spineless, gutless Cretins.

  5. I find your choice of words ironic and perhaps even a little unfortunate. :)


    Sorry, back to our regularly scheduled programming.


    hehehe. In all sincerity it wasn't meant that way Roy but as I looked at it before submitting my post I figured I'd leave it in there and see who would be the first one to pick up on it. There are many reasons why things happen and to leave anyone out would be Politically incorrect, wouldn't it? I'm afraid this has been and will continue to be our regularly scheduled program. It's the same crap and the same suspects over and over again. I didn't enslave anyone hundreds of years ago and cast them away into relative obscurity, so why am I forced to pick up the pieces, over and over and over and over again? Like everyone else I have the right and duty to call it the way I see it. Time to tweak the programming not return to the same crap.

  6. implementing slot size will be a failure. years back that was attempted on l.st clair.. from reading it seems overharvest from commercial uncontrolled industry.. why is it no goverment will take a true stand..


    BINGO!!!. These measures are implemented when stocks are dwindling and unable to sustain themselves aren't they? As long as there are certain groups who are given special dispensation its only a band aid and only until political will (Pipe Dream) is demonstrated to make the necessary changes to benefit all involved is there a chance to remedy these issues. How about we lobby the government to raise licencing fees to, lets say, $??? Just another colossal Governmental failure. At least they're consistent.

  7. Another example of wealth distribution. Hatch an idea, have enough Zombies drink the Kool-Aid, have others take the financial risk and hit the sell button to make the bottom fall out. The ruling class has us pegged for what the majority of society has become. Baaahhhhh, Baaahhhh!! I just love watching the fruits that come to bare from Social Engineering.

  8. Looking for some input / suggestions on a good pair of boots with the following must have considerations.


    I am looking for a boot that I can put to the test. A couple of examples of their intended use would be fishing and hiking through the Niagara Gorge and upland bird hunting




    Here's must must have list.


    1) Must be waterproof.

    2) Must be lightweight

    3) Must be minimum 9" high. Not looking for a low cut hiking style boot

    4) Must offer good ankle support and an agressive tread.

    5) Must be breathable, don't want my tootsies sweating, then freezing

    6) Must offer enough warmth for standing around waiting for my float to go down.:Gonefishing:


    Any suggestions are welcome.




    Thanks for your help




    Marks Work Warehouse. HD3 Snow Leopard III $149.

  9. This statement I find offensive.

    Not for those who made the ultimate sacrifice or those who continue to serve but for all those left out being those who have served.

    Every time I hear the Timmies add stating the same I see red.

    To show respect for a new serving private but disregarding a great many long serving veterans who no longer are currently serving is completely wrong IMO.

    Anyone who has served or is serving have done their part. Sadly some have been called on to pay a far higher price.


    Pro Patria.


    Many people have served including the families, friends, countrymen and women all over the world during most notably the First and Second World Wars and subsequent conflicts on virtually every land mass on this little blue marble we call home. They suffered and continue to suffer past and present regardless which flag has flown or continues to fly above them.


    I have tried, in thought to imagine having to kill others who believe in their own cause as they attempt to kill you for believing in yours. No nightmare or fear I've ever had even registers the most remote of comparisons. All aspects of war are a poignant reminder of both the worst and the best of man and as long as people continue to serve they should all be remembered.

  10. I wince when people use the term 'tree huggers' for situations like these. The people lobbying for Bull like this surely aren't the ones fighting for real environmental protection. P3TA members aren't environmentalists, they're city-slicker slacktivists desperate for attention.


    I have yet to see or hear from an Environmentalist ( Insert Favorite Militant Enviro-Con Artist) who doesn't resort to shouting, foot stomping and name calling when anyone disagrees with their point of view of which evidence always seems skewed in favor of their argument. Tree hugger is somewhat of a compliment. No?


    Media Content has become nothing more than a 24/7 depiction of Train Wrecks and Blood trails. It shows the depths we as a society are sinking to when we keep it locked on the channel the signal emanates from.



    The Hunter-gatherer-fishers aspect of who we truly are was modified long ago by domestication but it will always be at our core..



  11. Ya, i get the point of it alright.

    Import vehicules are way over priced for what you get.You get far more bang for the buck in a domestic.Especially now in the 2010s and newer.I happen to like Ford and Dodge.They are both at the leading edge of automobile technology, and can not be beat for reliability and service.



    Oh ya...i wouldnt buy a GM if my life depended on itwhistling.gif


    Lmao!!! Love what Ford has done and continues to do. Was looking to buy a Ford Pick-m-up Truck when I happened on the Sierra but the price was right so I dove in. After some initial issues I got her dialed in and she has been rather consistent since.


    Chrysler has its main staples such as Rams, Jeeps and......... SEE!!!! That's it!! Oh ya, almost forgot the FIAT 500. They (GM, Chrysler) had a captive North American public for Petes' sake!! If they wouldn't have insisted on force feeding us junk for three decades I might have a different opinion but they continually rested on their laurels from past triumphs and for those reasons alone they will be a distant fifth or even sixth choice in my choosing a ride for our family. Shame on them, and GM.


    I just hope more than a whimper is heard the next time they come walking hat in hand for another bailout. I'd be inclined to Drive to a dealership and take a free vehicle of my choice. On second thought I think I'll pass.wink.gif

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