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Posts posted by moxie

  1. Sweet! does he have the tiller or the SS.

    I might break down and buy one ha ha

    There are and will be a lot of good deals on solid used units all the time. Quite a ways to go before the water softens up again. A great time to shop around.

  2. Maybe someone should ban the act of breeding between the BIG THINKERS S.outh O.f B.loor.


    Their precious brains are so filled with knowledge us regular folks lack that their craniums could explode at any time and if some were to go off simultaneously the pungent odor of Scat would wreak havoc on the rest of Toronto's innocent civilian population.


    As mentioned, if you live or fish the area stand up and make your concerns heard.

  3. Another example of chickens coming home to roost. Our so called leaders have had two generations of growth to implement measures needed to stave off these ever increasing issues and now they just need more of what we have very little of left, Money. It is a shame and they are chiefly responsible for most of the messes created in out society. All in my humble opinion of course. Their shame.

  4. Figure what you are willing to spend on a suit. Do some research and comparison shop one brand to another. Once you've narrowed down the winning picks find dealers in your area that stock the suits you are interested in and go try one on remembering to dress as you would while in the suit as well as going through all possible ranges of motion with the suit on.


    I wear a compression base layer to that wicks away moisture followed by a layer of fleece and it has worked well in a wide range of winter settings. The suit I wear weighs 2.2Kgs so bulk is not an issue both while on the move or sitting in my hut most of the day. Fits just like a snow suit. I actually bought two of them so I'd have a spare in case someone wanted to tag along. Two suits-$400 Shipped to my front door . Good luck.

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