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Posts posted by moxie

  1. With all the advancements in technologies and lessons learned along the way we just cannot keep our feet out of the messes we continue to create as a species led by elected officials who are entrusted with the welfare and safety of us all. hmmm. Greed trumps all. Truly scary regardless of animal species. Thanks for posting.

  2. Real nice fish there.



    I heard Cardinals yesterday while out. Bring it.



    Nice fish Moxie - cant wait to hit the skinny water. My boats leaving the cave a week today for her spring service, then its trolling time :)

    Havent seen or heard any Robins yest, but the cardinals are claiming their spots and singing up a storm - then this morning heard the first redwing blackbird of the season -a sure sign spring is around the corner.



    Awesome! It's about that time :) :)

    It definitely felt good to scratch that itch.

  3. Received the text Friday afternoon wondering whats on tap for the Saturday. Cleared the schedule and decided to join a very good friend of mine out for some much needed down time. Launch the boat by 8:30 am, play ice breaker out to the lake and get started on the 4 rod spread that included shallow sticks, Walleye sized boards and rods, two of them running 10 lb mono to boot.


    Make our first pass in clear water and as we make the turn we notice fish breaking the surface chasing bait in the stained wash out from the creek and troll straight through it. A board fires and after a short battle we pick up our first fish. A 6 lb male. A couple more passes produce nothing so we decide to troll west to another creek mouth a short distance away and pick up another male roughly the size of our first fish.


    With all four boards now running the same slow wobble type sticks our pattern was complete and with that we hit fish on every pass. We hit many fish including one that straightened a treble and shook loose. All in all we went 4 for 9 with the biggest being a female weighing in just shy of 13 lb. Not to shabby for 5 hours on the water.



    While stripping fillets off the tailgate of the truck last night I could have sworn I heard the familiar and welcomed sound of a Robin for the first time this year. Hearing it again this morning while letting the cat in confirms it. Spring is finally here.


    Ps. Thanks a bunch Corey. I needed that!!


  4. Actually don't answer that. You should be out feeding your horses.


    Snow tonight, it'll be tough goin tomorrow.


    Wax the runners on the sled too.....



    The question wasn't about the disposable materialistic consumerism of our time, and it wasn't an invitation to debate the merits of a plugged-in vs. unplugged lifestyle.


    It was just asking if you'd like a waterproof case for your phone.


    How much run time do you get out of a cord of wood? You know, the wood that you chop by hand to fuel your steam powered generator to power up this "computer" thing that is connected to the Internet?

    You say it like we've had these technological assets since the beginning of time. Disposable world Sin. I thought engineers were supposed to be practical and not get sucked in like us common folk.

  5. He just doesn't have one..... Lol! My IPhone has pretty much replaced my laptop for me!

    There is a certain level of convenience to having certain devices but really now, who thinks it makes any sense to watch the world go by on a 4" screen? Have a family member that is quite the tech guru and he too was one of the duped until he realized long ago Apple was more cult than substance.



    They also announced they are giving back the better part of 100 Million dollars to people that may have paid too much for i-tunes downloads. Me have a sneaking suspicion a few i-zombies have awakened from their i-slumber and and are on to the i-ruse perpetuated by this hollow giant and the realization apple products have been caught up to and it should only be a matter of time until they are surpassed. Everyone knows an apple with a bite out of it will eventually rot away, don't they? Heck even i-know that.

  6. A simple no would have sufficed.

    Can't do that Sin. It's not in my cynical nature. Hows this. If I was as plugged in to the gills and distracted as most of the world seems to be these days I might be inclined to buy a life preserver for my electronic device, that will last until......the next new and shiny one hits the shelves? Better?

  7. Apple? Nothing but a state of mind. Electronics have become more disposable than ever. The line between needs and wants has become so blurred most of us have been all but blinded. Buy cheap phone, phone breaks, buy new phone. Just more unnecessary junk. Wouldn't even waste a Ziplock bag, especially on an iPhone.

  8. Man. If I could show you guys the crap (no cameras allowed) running out of the place I'm working right now and directly into Lake Superior, you'd pretty much puke. The gov't turns a blind eye to the big shooters, but they attack the hard working guy/gal that is trying to support his/her family, and can't afford repairs or a newer vehicle. Nice.

    So called developing nations are still burning coal . Virtually every seaside city on earth has a sewage overflow that dumps right into the ocean if they divert and clean any sewage at all and yes, the big shooters get away with a tonne of crap and we're the ones that are wreaking havoc on mother earth. Its' the same song and dance that has been falsely portrayed for decades engineered to separate us from our hard earned money. It is a business and nothing else.

  9. With ever increasing frequency we are reminded why we must hang politicians and the people who lobby them to show them we've had enough. Just another page in the tax creep portfolio. They're all resigning and running away with pockets overflowing all the while shoving new tax toys up our asses almost monthly. On second thought hanging means they're gonna stink the place up more than they already do. Anyone have a light????

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