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Posts posted by moxie

  1. Yep thats all fine and dandy but one day the corporate bean counters will say no more and move the operation to a foreign destination, I hope those 50k trucks are paid for!

    2002 Sierra , crank down windows, 271,000 ks, rusted cab corners and a wonky front transfer case. LoL but feel like crying.


    That is of their doing. Their business plan is to maximize profits. Why should our business plan be any different. Why must the fall back position always be to attack each other in these matters? Low hanging fruit is the easiest to pick away at I guess. As increasingly expensive and difficult as it is to keep pace I haven't moved to another jurisdiction.

  2. I'll bet that the local Chevy dealership owner is happy that union members are making $40.00 an hour, so that they can afford to buy those nice new trucks. Home builders too. Someone has to be making the cash to keep them going. The boat dealerships, rv and quad dealerships. These are mostly blue collar markets. Guys that turn wrenches 5 days a week and like to go fishing on the weekends. What about that that $150.00 charge at the pumps for gas before you head out? Don't forget about that mortgage payment. And food on the table for the family. Ooops. property taxes are due this month too. My point is this. Making a good wage is not such a bad thing. You earn it and you spend it. It's good for everyone. It keeps the economy rolling. I'm not saying that you have to be union to achieve this. But it's a lot easier when you unite. The government (that's us) will also thank you when you pay 20 to 25k in taxes per year, and when they don't have to bail you out when you retire because you have no personal pension. I get paid very well in the private sector. My employers have always been very wealthy. I just don't see why so many people think that being paid lower wages is the answer.

    Yuppers DC. We support each other no matter how much we make.

  3. Thanks Dan, I have all three of those in spades. Great wage, company paid pension and a very comprehensive benefit package. Add to that profit sharing and stocks, Personal days, sick days etc





    Edit to add... Sorry if my post de-railed this thread... but I spoke my piece.

    I hear you Gerritt. As I stated there was no disrespect intended on my part.


    I agree with Gerrit, unions get to greedy and end up with nothing. To anyone who feels $28 and hour is fair wage to put a few screws in an engine over and over when skilled trades are making only a few dollars more per hour needs a head shake! I'm not taking shots at anyone personally, just using this as an example. It's all about numbers and the type of industry. It's simple math....... As soon as the wages are pushed past that line where it becomes more economical to move the operation overseas then it most likely will. People need to realize where they stand and unions need to start giving a crap about the financial states of the company's who employ the people they represent. For example people who manufacture cars/ car parts are in more danger than tradesmen like plumbers, sheet metal workers or electricians since there jobs can not be sent overseas. What I'm trying to say is unions are not all theyre cracked up to be. Shure they do a lot of good for people but as soon as they cross that fine line of fair/greed everything they've done is erased because your job is gone! people need to realize that sometimes it's just better to have a job, especially in smaller towns. A few extra bucks an hour or nothing seems like simple math to me. But apparently simple math isn't so simple to those who run these unions. Thanks

    I will agree that many unions have done themselves and their members many a dis service over the years but we must keep in mind that no employer has had a gun held to their head and forced to sign any collective bargaining agreement(except for public sector unions which are what I consider a conflict of interest). I am employed in the private sector and hold membership in a private sector union in the sewer and water main sector. Operating 78,000 lbs of iron 10-11 hrs, 5-6 days a week in ever changing soil and weather conditions is challenging at the best of times and I am paid handsomely to do so and most days still love what I do. That being said the company that employs me has also made large profits over the years on the backs of members both past and present as is their right. Governments on the other hand spend far more than they take in.


    In times such as these it is even more important to stand our ground and protect what we have. We haven't created this downturn and as costs for essentials continue to rise I give those few bucks you mentioned back with every passing year and do not intend on giving up ground without a fight.


    This is much larger than any union. I paid almost $23,000 in taxes last year (+ 13% on everything else) and that would suit me fine if it was used to help my fellow man but it never seems to make it to those who need it most or to programs that make sound economic sense. Also keep in mind that if I make less that means less will be extorted from my family . Last time I checked our household had yet to turn a profit. Governments and their owners are your enemies, not my union pay rate.

  4. Yup... more and more manufacturers will move offshore as unions and governments squeeze them for every nickel and dime.....

    Sad to hear of another closing. With all due respect Gerritt you might want to find another target. I belong to a private sector union and I can assure you I earn every nickle and dime I make. The system has been manipulated to give us what we are experiencing and has nothing to do with the protection for a fair wage, its workers and their families. Said it before, The ultra rich have taken their money out of the global economies and all thats left is the Boomers nest egg.

  5. Decades of time and oodles of dough re mi wasted and/or thrown at squeaky wheels and now in a time of crisis everyone is clamoring for a solution. After years of supporting rural areas while pursuing my passion for angling and watching the insane repetition with which these scenarios continue I can only speak for myself when I say "Good luck Lake Nip, but I'll fish elsewhere. Gimme a call if you ever get your crap together, or don't"

  6. Exactly. Refuse to pay. Make enough of a stink about it they either call a cop or just let you go. Even with all the good the health system does they are another money wasting entity with a sense of entitlement as demonstrated time and time again by the party with a leader no one voted for. Bend over, its only going to get worse.




    Wishing all a happy Easter.

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