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Posts posted by moxie

  1. After installing an antenna for motivation, we are on our last month of being hooked up to that umbilical cord rip-off called cable and will also be buying our first non-CRT TV. Led seems to be the better of all worlds, if you find a lower price almost everyone will try to match prices to make a sale or offer you better pricing on any accessories you might need or want and consider looking into what advantages the "smart" set will offer your needs. Good luck.

  2. The responsibility lies with us all. We have let the establishment engineer almost 2 generations of slack jawed idiots and have done very little to change . We are all special, we are all winners and adversity and consequences need not exist, right?


    What does a 9mm bullet cost? Buy 3 and be done with them. They are damaged goods and probably of no use to society anymore.

  3. He might not have started the day with a plan to kill someone but as the events unfolded I believe he had every intention to kill that teenager and that constitutes murder. Only question is," why is he the only officer charged in this case? Overcharge to appease the public and possibly let him skate or the sacrificial lamb to save the rest. Lets not forget just because they couldn't pin the dirt on him, "BIG" Mike McCormack still smells like a dirty cop and who knows the crap he got away with.



    You'd figure our authorities would have been better prepared by watching the world change around them all these years. Just goes to show the idiots we choose to lead us have no idea what the hell they've been doing for the last 40 years. Or does that say something about us instead?



    Either way this is the continuation of the crap I rnt on about every so often and its only gonna get worse if we sit on our hands like the authorities keep sitting on theirs.

  4. I would spend more time looking at the immigration act... then the terrorist act. Stopping the safe harbour of these trained and hardened trouble makers would be a wise decision. This is Canada, not where-ever-it-is-you-came-from. When my family came here they wanted to become Canadian! They did just that, they learned to speak English by reading the telephone book (No joke) they did not come here to tell us Christmas is the devil, Jesus is a pagan, and Mary was a sinner...


    No they came here for the quality of life that Canada afforded... this is not true today... You actually had to be tested to come to Canada and you were denied if you did not pass the test and screening!


    Today immigrants are a number on the tax roll and we let anyone in... claim refugee, claim asylum.. claim you are against walmart in Pakistan and you are allowed in...


    Thats the cold hard truth. We are importing these "issues"


    I am not against immigration.. as I come from an immigrant family... I am against the lax laws we have today regarding it! are we really in that bad of shape that we have to import cab drivers and strippers?


    Blame the governments greed for tax revenue for the current mess we are in.. that the cold hard truth.


    Moxie... again you are showing your true colours.



    It cannot be stopped.



    Moxie out.

  5. these are not the days of our parents or grandparents that immigrated to Canada... Such as my family did during the war..


    There are people wanting to come here with ill intent, with training and determination, with one sole purpose. Mayhem.


    I hate to say this but we need more stringent immigration laws...



    this problem is two fold.. Canadians are not procreating enough to keep the governments tax revenue flowing... which is the biggest reason we have opened up to allow just about anyone to immigrate here... additional tax revenue.


    It's all about dollars and cents.


    We need more investigation done on those that wish to come here... especially from areas that are known hotspots for this sort of thing..



    What rock has everyone been hiding under? Everyone is just regurgitating talking points they hear in a news flash. Speak to people of other cultures and pick their brains sometime. You will learn a hell of a lot more than from any article or some made up news anchor that spews what they want you to read and hear. In my line of work I have met many from those so called hot spots so I don't harbor any rosy illusions of what the future might bring.


    You think this can be stopped? This is just the natural progression of humanity and any amount of money and human resources cannot stop it. Might wanna wake up now, the unicorns and butterflies ain't here anymore.

  6. Needed are an undetermined number of people to help in the construction of rolling structures. Fast paced, productivity based work environment with 3- 8hr rotating shifts until orders are filled. Meals and beverages will be provided as well as a nap room when required. Four spots will be provided to each worker as compensation for services rendered during this Ultra Short Term contract. For information please contact :


    Dave, at Bandwagon Builders


    E-mail; [email protected]







    I am surprised and impressed. Well done. Enjoy it Leafers. The second season is always shorter than the first.

  7. That response sure helps

    You're right Mr Bouck. Let me rephrase that. If you're going to retire the Durango you could look at the complete v6 SUV line up across the spectrum as they'd consume a fraction of what an eight will and still allow for ample towing capacity for your needs. That better Mr Bouck?





    ps. I still love parking in those spots with my V8. hehehe

  8. Snow, snow, and more snow. Today, April 19, 2013, yes April 19, we had a major blizzard. I haven't heard how much we got officially but with 70 km winds, it doesn't matter. Snow drifts were 2 and 3 feet, maybe more. Snow was falling horizontally all morning and into the afternoon. I spent the day giving my Ariens deluxe 28 snowblower a workout. So glad I bought that thing a few months ago. I am officially throwing in the towel and give up all hope of summer arriving this year. Forecast for the next week calls for...... more snow.


    Maybe I'll get the opportunity to untarp my water taxi next year. Or maybe not. :dunno:




    Real sorry to hear that DC. If you can make it down here for Sunday morning you'd me more than welcome to join us for some Crappie fishing.

  9. I know the feeling, of a son being a follower. How easy it is, to get caught up. Want to be part of the group.PRESSURE. Peer pressure has always been around. Ya they make the wrong choice,and have to pay for their actions.


    Im not defending anything here but tell me,if this was your son/family member,what would your thinking be?



    There is no flip for me Brian. I can guarantee my kids won't be taking out innocent people. People like this are just looking for their fifteen minutes of fame and as far as i'm concerned there is no god or cause that would justify the slaughter of innocent people. None. I still believe they should have taken him out in that blaze of glory he was wishing for. Don't want to know why cause why doesn't matter.

  10. I was gonna give that a try once my boating skills developed a bit more... I'm gonna try cooks bay around the canals in Keswick on Sunday

    Try the Maskinonge(I think that's what its called) in Keswick. We've hit it for perch, crappie and bass. A lot of water to fish and decent protection from any wind so you can hone your paddling skills.

  11. Like the uncle said,,he,s already dead. Ya he,s 19 yoa,probly scared to you know what. If he is true to the cause,he will blow himself and others up. We see it all the time on the news in other countries.



    I still dont see this ,SET UP ,thing.



    What I find weird is,friends are coming forth now. How he was a great guy,volunter to a kids group. I think the older brother was the pressure here. Not that his actions should be defaulted,but well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Get him alive,and find out.


    If he,s guilty,death penalty.

    Same thing when a thug gets the lead end of a cap here Brian. All the social media facecrap about how he was turning his life around, daddy was absent........ blah, blah, blah. Things can happen in life to lead you astray but if you're a predisposed bad seed, more often than not its only a matter of time before you go off. No?

  12. The truth is the ministry is only giving every retailer a single box of 50 copies of the regulations. Back in January we received a box of the new 2013 Fishing regs. We put them out front they went in a week and we kept a copy for the store. The year prior we had hundred's of reg's we gave out.


    This is something new they are doing and it seems it's a "save the paper" deal. Good to hear Hunting reg's are online, should see our box in the coming weeks then. We were told to tell the customers to go online for the reg's this year and print out the zone/zones your fishing :whistling: Jeeze does the angler & hunter community get shafted these days

    Just Anglers and Hunters? I haven't been able to walk right for years with the amount of shafting Gummyment pounds out!!!

  13. Not before thorough and effective interrogation, I hope.



    Yes it would be interesting to know why :angry: .

    C'mon gentlemen. Why must our morbid curiosity be satisfied by knowing the reasoning behind a senseless act? I don't see the point. No explanation would validate what they did. The eye for an eye approach is half complete. Take out the other eye and we will never see either of them again.

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