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Posts posted by moxie

  1. Fair enough but take a minute to ponder this.


    Most of you here would assume, without even meeting me but taking my OFC track record into account that I'm a (Insert expletives here) and I'm good with that. Maybe the type of person that hears or sees someone in trouble and looks the other way. Selfish and self serving perhaps? Wouldn't hold the door open for his own mother?


    But I also might be that guy driving down a country road on a cold and stormy winters night that noticed your car in the ditch, with you in it and pulled over to pull your nearly frozen meat sac of a body to safety so you'd be able to share that harrowing experience to your grand kids some day. Just maybe.



    Just because the sign says "Beware of Dog" doesn't mean its dangerous. Thats just someone elses opinion.




    Just thought I'd let others know as well.

  2. Possibly if he's talking worldwide....


    No way if he's talking North America....

    Look at the automotive market. Japanese vs Domestic. Just take a head count when walking through any parking lot. Thats a testament to superior quality. As far as Merc numbers on the water? There are still enough die hards who dont mind being fed an inferior product time and time again as well as those willing to save a few bucks now only to shell out more bucks down the road. Check retail and resale numbers.

  3. As much as most of you wish I would stay away its moments like these that keep bring me back into the frey. I just hope the whining doesn't stop here. The internet reaches every corner of the sphere we live on at the click of a mouse so get on that horse and ride it hard and aim your vitriol in the proper direction at every opportunity cause I'm gonna take a guess those involved aren't forum members.










    Read about cognitive dissonance Kicking Frog. Not a hard read.

    You will see the finest examples displayed by hardcore Ford disciple.

    Really ehg? Thats what you came up with? Did you find that all on your own? You didn't injure yourself in the process did you?


    I do every time I post here and that is why I haven't used and labels or threats.


    Council has made a mockery of Toronto City hall?

    Oops!!! Break out the tissue and violins. Looks like someone's feeling have been hurt!!! And I'm the one told to grow up.




    This is getting downright silly. Defending the totally inexusable!!!

    Whats one of the new catch phrases...... It is what it is?


    Lol " you dig" ....really...time to take your ball and go home!!!

    Look at how everyone came to the defence of little ol K-frog to beat up on BIG bad Moxie. You're a lucky man Kfrog, or not.

    I'll go but you can keep the ball. I wouldn't want any of the Drip i've experienced here to follow me elsewhere. Quite a few soft spots here. Besides, I stole it from someone else before I made my way here. Shame how soft it is here.



    I'm going to have to break things up. And need to do a better job of using the quote feature since the text keeps changing so many times.

    Your 1st paragraph:

    I actually make a very similar statement here in the days after ford was elected mayor. That was a little over 3 years ago. His honest chance(s) in the last 14 years would be about the same as any other councillor or mayor.

    2nd paragraph:

    Ostriches don't stick their heads in the sand (They run like the wind). Even if we were to except that myth I'm not sure how it is relevant, but I'm sure you will enlighten me.

    3rd paragraph:

    Haven't got a clue what point you are trying to make. But I have no confliction here.


    1st paragraph; In the 14 years Rob has toiled at city hall, the majority of council made a mockery of him and the office he held as Mayor and did everything in their power to make his life difficult.


    2nd paragraph; I apologize for using a metaphor. I had no idea it would be that difficult for you to decipher.


    3rd paragraph; That would make you clueless. Now theres clarification.


    Nota Bene Kfrog. I was asked a question by N.A.W . Your response and interjection was neither asked for or needed. The next time you have a bone to pick with me I suggest you take a second, read your signature and choke on it. You dig?

  6. So for Fordsy to lose your support he would have to stop smoking crack, stop binge drinking, stop hanging out with gang bangers and drug dealers, stop driving drunk, stop making leud comments on live Tv, stop telling lies to the people that elected him..... You know, act like the other politicians. (Minus the lies, as we all know every politician tells lies)


    Ya, that's simple enough.


    I understand you don't like "normal" politicians. But Ford has gone way over the line.

    LOFL!!!!!! Priceless. "But Ford has gone way over the line" < That is simple.


    Nothing normal about the way politicians are behaving. They are eroding everything from rights and freedoms to the opportunity for us to earn a respectable living so keep hacking away and keep regurgitating everything you've heard. No matter what Rob has done the message must not be lost.


    Must be a bunch of lousy hunters here as is evident by the shots continually taken at easy targets.

  7. Wrong again.


    Many of the questions that need to be answered, you can not, but you do try so hard. ie Drugs, dead bodies, drunk driving, drunk at city hall.


    Some of the questions you could answer, you have not. ie What good has he done for the city?

    You give yourself too much credit Rob. You don't understand a simple fact Rob and that is that as long as Rob isn't stealing from taxpayers pockets he will have the support of many as they will look past this . And in that answer Rob, you will find what Rob has done for the city . Its the message and not the man. Stop asking questions there Rob. Leave it to credible people whos occupation it is to do so, Rob.


    Concentrate your efforts on someone else. I have tired of your pointless barbs, Rob.


    It is Rob isn't it?

  8. No.


    His substance abuse does not necessarily mean he is probably involved in a murder.


    That fact that a person who was closely connected to the video is now dead is the concern. As well as who obtained the video, and how it was obtained.


    The alleged massive amounts of alcohol consumed and no driver are also very serious.


    These are not pulled out of thin air. These are questions and concerns that have been brought up by the mayor's own staff and close associates.

    Are these substantiated facts or just heresay? Don't you find it peculiar how the laws seem to be made up as they go along? The facts pertaining to a criminal case are off limits but anything to discredit the Mayor are of public interest? He is on trial without ever being arrested on any count. Why would the police not arrest him for the illegal drugs, drunk driving and the rest? Democracy is on trial here and it scares me to think how any of us could be treated like this for not living up to someones standards or practices. Pull it out of your Heinie Kfrog and smell something other than that leftist stench. Please!!! I'll give you back the milk and cookies and if you play nice I might even consider the Nap Mat. I promise.

  9. Thanks for the chuckle. You seam to have the gift of a politician. Lots of words, but very little substance. More please.

    You and your kind would know. What breed of thinker that would be ? Or do you, in your infinite wisdom don't feel me and my kind would be able to decipher the unsubstantiated drivel that would escape your lips?.



    Caller in to a radio talk show said it best. "I'm of European descent and many a politician on that continent has had sex parties with hookers and party girls complete with booze and drugs as well as many other indiscretions and still managed to retain power. Why? Because the majority of the electorate were satisfied with the work they did. Those that are embarrassed about how they look as a consequence of the actions of others are beyond counselling.


    One of the funniest angles so far? City council wanting to petition an un-elected provincial leader to remove the democratically elected Toronto Mayor. BOO HOO!!!!!

  10. With out going into detail of what has transpired this morning in Toronto, I can tell you in my opinion he is the only class act in this entire "Zoo".


    If a vote were to be taken today and I could vote he would be getting mine. I wish we had a guy like him here. We wouldn't be in this mess with the land dispute in Caledonia with the First Nation folks, or the wind turbines being pushed down our throats without any say.


    I couldn't say that about him after this circus all started in May, I had based an opinion of him without knowing what the guy was all about. As I'm sure many have.



    watch what, this embarrassing charade to keep unfolding? Who else gets a pass on all these indiscretions? Hookers at city hall, doing oxycontin, drinking and driving, smoking crack, hanging around known GUNS AND DRUG dealers, purchasing drugs on city time, lying to the public about it all, using his drug dealer pal to extort the individuals with the video, condemning harm reduction and drug addicts - the hypocrisy is incredible. Why does he get your support for a "mistake" when anyone else engaging in these activities would not. The whole thing is absurd.



    I long ago learned to never underestimate the stupidity of the electorate.

    Just plain wrong.





    That's the same consideration Robs opponents afforded his supporters and that's the same moronic,socialistic thinking that will lead us to a different kind of self destruction I'm afraid. There is one inherent difference between Rob and those that would like to see him and others like him disappear.


    Rob might have a substance and/or alcohol abuse problem and with the proper support in place could deal with and possibly overcome it as I and many others hope.


    The rest of them have something that is far worse an impediment than anything Toronto's Mayor will have to deal with and that is "Entitlement". Its' a horrible affliction that the Un-Stupid have and up to this point there is no known cure for it. Just kindergarten kids whining and stomping their feet cause someone finally took their milk, cookies and nap mats away. GO ROB GO!!!!!!!!!

  11. David Suzuki is a sham, an alarmist, an extremist, as phony as they come. In the 70s he was one of many on the band wagon, convinced another ice age was upon us, now he is on the global warming pulpit. In a recent interview on the talk show Q & A on the Australian Broadcast Corporation, he was questioned about the science behind global warming, the stats the show the earth's warming has actually levelled off over the last 15 years, despite carbon dioxide level increasing exponentially every year. He was unable to answer the questions he was asked and knew nothing of the various world-wide temperature monitors. Many scientists now believe methane levels may be responsible for increased temperatures over the last century. But don't tell Suzuki this, as he does not know the science behind any of it, he is a fraud. I would not believe a word that comes out of his mouth, this is his latest soapbox stunt.

    hehehe. Hey Dave!!!! Lets see the paper that says "Bye Bye Japan" !! A bad situation for sure but chicken little has cried wolf so many times before most tend to throw him in the alarmist pile.

  12. Sorry folks. Finally found the words I wanted to say. Regardless what Rob Ford has done. one must not forget the way, and with a special kind of hatred I might add, his opponents have hounded him for the better part of a decade.


    They hated him from the very beginning and behaved like angry dogs when an agenda that wasn't theirs threatened to take their personal chew toy(Toronto Governance) away. They have made a mockery of Rob Ford and the city of Toronto. Never been anything other than left and right. Walk a decade in his shoes.


    Hidden in all this is what lengths the Liberals and Socialists have gone to destroy a man with a differing point of view and his was simply to do the best for a city he loves. They might just succeed.

  13. I don't know why you keep turning this to "left" and "right" when its just about the moral fiber of the individual in power.


    ..and of course you go off with the nicknames and labels again?

    Just because I disagree with the indiscretions of the representative of a capital city does not mean i lean one way or the other.


    and if you want to discuss the "leaning" factor.. why are you so defensive? you should be throwing him under the bus for being a drug addict?



    Can't be bothered. Wouldn't want to crush anyone elses self esteem. Blind is for life so its best just left that way.

  14. Proof positive the Toronto star is a rag.


    Bully to bully.


    People have been literally badgered to death for the way they look, where they're from and for past indescretions they can't take back. The Toronto star took it upon themselves, in the name of public interest to buy and then air a video, taken in private? What benefit would that have to the greater public? Why did the public need to see and hear that?


    They have dogged Rob ever since he decared his candidacy to become Mayor which he did in convincing fashion over the likes of illicit party drug boy Smitherman(another incompetent Lieberal). I could see the smirk on mikey cooks'(star editor & chief) face through the radio as I listened to his contrived reasoning for the airing of the video. Just another Red Rag posing as voice and conscience. And I'm referred to as one lacking credibility?


    Partisanship is alive and well and the sooner the left is eradicated the better we will all be. Except for those who have been eradicated of course.

  15. Its a completely separate issue. I believe they should be held accountable as well, but crossing the 2 issues is irrelevant. If you're going to defend something or someone, you should at least make yourself seem credible. The petty insults, lame nicknames, and generalizations do not do that for you.

    Separate issue? We demonize someone that gives of himself selflessly to a city he holds dear. All for a few indescretions while we let thieves, liars and cheats who think of nothing but retaining power and self serving themselves to our future skate with nary a whimper. Petty, lame, generalizations? Constant Leftist punishment and crushing pressure affects his job and hes fair game. Preimier two-moms and her buddy Dolton rip us a new one and lose the keys to the province and their off limits? I need to work on my credibility?

    GO ROB GO!!!!!!!


    When you've got nothin' you go with your strength.

    You might want to read your signature and heed it's advice. I don't consider passive aggressive behavior a strength. GO ROB GO!!!!!!!!!!

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