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Posts posted by moxie

  1. Sad to see!

    Bab's was a good guy, had a good resume with plenty of success and now has been lured into the career ending, black hole of suckdome known as the laffs. Sorry your legacy has been stopped Mike. You were a good man! :wallbash:


    Sniff sniff :dunno:



    Naw he hasn't been sucked in but if he or anyone in hockey wants to kill a career Toronto is the premier dung hole of an organization to make that wish come true. He knows that it won't happen here simply because you can't undo 50 years of ineptitude in 8 years but his retirement fund is guaranteed.


    The funny part is the hockey illiterate leaf fans believe he is the second coming of Christ himself.

  2. I never disconnect the trailer when launching, never an issue. I'm running LEDs on our boat trailer (And pretty much anything else we tow.

    Never an issue? Not yet anyway. LED or not, for the time it takes to unplug it, why take that chance? Trust me.

  3. I'm getting tired of being asked for a donation to some cause or charity at checkout and outside of certain retail stores. They also have the nerve to tell you how much they want you to give. It has gotten so bad that I am beginning to avoid those establishments. Rant over and out!

    Print off a copy of a $1,000,000 bill and keep it in your wallet for such occasions. When asked just pull it out and ask if they can make change.

  4. There was no ways Liberals could win the last elections with all the lies and scandals of Mr.Mguilty, gas plant, orange, e-health, list goes on..............................

    Tim Hudak gave it to them in a gold platter.

    over 30% of Ontario workers work for union,

    what was he thinking ?

    his own buddies asked him to step down from leadership.




    Fair enough Stone but they did win it with lies. Public employees were lied too by their own. At least Tim laid it all out. The truth is the public sector was gonna have to bleed regardless of who came to power and that isnt fair for those who deserve to serve . But at least they'll have only themselves to blame when the gut hook finds its mark. Too bad soo sad.

  5. First kick at tackling Grand River Catfish. Timing is everything and with the past weeks temps I figured it would be a little on the tough side but the sunshine and a little guess work the four of us managed our first Erie Cats and personal bests. Always good to see fish.


    We'll be back in two weeks and plan on making good on surpassing those numbers. Would like to thank FisherPete for sharing his knowledge with us.




    Heres a short clip ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuaKb5GvvvY

  6. the good news is they only have a majority for 3 more years :wallbash:


    we only have ourselves to blame

    Sorry but I will not be held responsible for something public"servants" were complicit in. They chose to save their own cushy asses and hung the rest of us out to twist in the wind. Not too bright when you think about it. When the axe falls on their collective necks as it most certainly will, I know I won't be in my garage making signs to help them protest so they can take more from those of us that pay their

    freight. They acted like selfish and spoiled brats. I, like them, will watch out for my own from now on. With all due respect of course.

  7. Seriously? Trolling forums is overrated.

    Matter of opinion and since everyone, including yourself is allowed one, is it still considered trolling? I prefer casting but trolling can be just as much fun at times.



    Edited to add; Shame about the White Rhino as their 15 minutes might be coming to an unfortunate end.


    Your aim was a bit off when you blamed the prov gov't though!!

    Naw. I think I've got it nailed down tight. If there is an issue isn't it up to the provincial minister in charge of that portfolio to raise an alarm to his federal counterpart? Are they not entrusted to serve on behalf of our best interest(s)?


    The economic challenges the world has endured not withstanding but these bozos have done more to turn this once great province upside down in just over a decade than previous governments in Ontarios' history.


    When teaching anal sex to elementary students and selling beer in grocery stores is front page news it doesn't take a school trustee to do the math. Better yet scratch the school trustee doin math. She and those of her ilk (nothing to do with her sexual orientation) are a big part of everything that is wrong with Ontario right now. Hope this clears the water a bit.

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