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Posts posted by moxie

  1. With winds forecast at more than desirable speeds everywhere we took a chance and headed East to Trenton to fish the Trent river mouth. Marked more than our outing a few weeks ago but only managed 1 which my son caught dragging a plastic tipped jig head and we saw 3 more caught around us.


    Water hovered around 33 degrees but with no ice to be seen today and high winds present, ice formation will be held at bay. Although it will be much colder than today, Tuesdays forecast (if it holds) still leaves us some options.



    Stay tuned? Hope so.

  2. Not really a goal but more of a wish. To win the lottery, flip "work" the proverbial bird and spend enough time on the water with my kids and friends so my wife is left with no other option but to find herself a boyfriend :whistling: .


    I got the business end of the wishbone at dinner last night so lets see what happens.

  3. NAH, I think I'll pass.

    Now where's me rum? :whistling:



    Thats a tad cold for me thanks.

    we could use a few days of that

    Bite your tongue!!!!


    Cant believe I haven't used my rod for about 3 weeks. I'm dieing to use my new Lawrence Ice fish finder.

    Plan on slippin into the soft stuff at least once over the next few days but dont see many opportunities after that.

  4. Excuse me ma'am, contrary to what you might believe or what others may have told you, your actions directly cost two people their lives and the mere fact you are appealing the sentence because you feel you have done no wrong proves beyond a shadow of a doubt you are in fact an idiot. Drop the appeal, serve your time and shut up.

  5. With the weather gods promising a spectacular weekend of weather for this time of year we had intended to go to Quinte for another round of Walleye fishing but as we all know the Christmas holidays can throw any plans into disarray and they did. We instead settled for a spot closer to home.


    Now this time of year can be a bit tricky if one wants to get on the water and this trip didn't disappoint. Although the road to our destination showed few clues that winter had set in the inch + of ice at the ramp told the real story.


    Once the trailer broke through the ice I fire the up the two stroke, get her up to temperature and while still hooked up to the trailer, throw her in gear in the hopes of making enough of a wake to clear a path for us to make our way out to the lake.


    With winds almost non existent and the warmth of the sun on our faces we set out or spread and fished 7-14 feet of water again pulling sticks as we had done in the spring and the fish entertained us with 1 Brown and 3 Rainbow, one of which broke us off as it left the water in an attempt to shake the hooks.


    They say if there is a "will" there is a "way" so regardless the time of year if there is any "way" I can get out on the soft water I most certainly "will".



    Heres a link to a short 20 second slideshow, Merry Christmas to all.



  6. Unreal how these things almost always seem to happen in the worst possible places. Also cannot understand how any heavy truck is allowed to tow two trailers instead of one given the amount of accidents involving big rigs these days. As far as the driver goes I hope hes alright and if this was just plain ole driver error someone should kick his ass repeatedly with a heavy boot until his ass just simply falls off.

  7. Sleeping in with the boys waiting in my driveway meant we wouldn't get on the water till 8:30am. Nice morning with calm winds and overcast skies. Set up and made one pass with nothing to show so we make our run to different water.


    Marked fish throughout the water column but only a few signs of anything on the larger side. Three passes yielded 4 fish in the 7-9 lb range and one 3 lber while dropping one more. Must have hit the morning major there because it went quiet after that.


    One more move saw one more fish becoming unbuttoned on the way to the boat. Packed up and pulled out by 4pm. Marked water as low as 33'5 degrees and ran into some thin ice so its only a matter of time. With temps hovering around or just above freezing next week we hope to make it out one last time.






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