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Posts posted by moxie

  1. Have to agree with bass2 's first statement. Let it go. I wouldnt even welcome them home. Let them come to you and ask whats wrong. You'll all get together eventually and the cards will be on the table for everyone to see. Guessin at least one of the wives knows whats up as well.

  2. Average $150/Month. Cfls that im slowly converting to LEDs, gas heat but the real juice gobbler is the electric water heater which i'll wire a timer to as soon as i have some time. Oh ya as well as a teenaged daughter but i dont think theyve developed any efficiency products to deal with those. Meeeeeeeeeoooooowwwwwwwwww.

  3. All the possible factors outlined may be contributors but the obvious is the most likely suspect. One river and shoreline to spawn on. Allow extreme water level fluctuation and you limit the already limited spawning habitat in a what is basically a swamp. Lived in Durham region for the better part of 3 decades and although i havent put tonnes of time in on that lake, i have fished it. Efforts geared toward the lakes' overall health should be undertaken but any resources beyond that should not be used to bolster a species that shouldnt be there. Outside the box? Develop a strain of big, hearty Bass.

  4. Many anglers wanted and asked for a hard water fishery in the Kawarthas. How do you do what is asked but not provide an avenue for the criminal element to take advantage?


    They should know better but look at who we're asking that from. Another failed portfolio by failed governors.look at Bill Mauro mandate letter. Not much there on Scugog Walleye or anything directly related to fisheries except for a passing mention near the bottom of the letter which reinforces my opinion on where it ranks on their list of priorities.


    More fact less thoughts from a class less, illiterate, fear mongering, horse crap spreading and rage filled MOXIE.

  5. Something tells me there will still be many walleye caught AND taken home after the new rules go into place. Enforcement is an issue everywhere and without it, closing the fishery will have little effect.



    I can only imagine how many Rice Lake Walleye have fallen victim since they came up with the stupid idea of allowing lines through the ice. Maybe Kate Wynn could answer that question but doubt she even knows what a Walleye is which is odd knowing they always seem to have answers to everything else.

  6. Just curious as to why we feel the need to fix everything? Would a different tact be so bad ? I tend agree the causes should be investigated but only with concerns other species could be affected by the same causes whatever they may be.


    It doesn't take a scientist to conclude that extreme water fluctuations in a shallow body of water as scugog is would negatively impact Walleye populations so why not concentrate and enhance thriving species.


    With consistent cutbacks a return to the contrary is doubtful. It makes more sense to find a way over or around the wall instead of suffering a bloody forehead from continually banging into it. But then again what do I know.

  7. For the record, I didn't call you a pile of horse manure, I called your post a pile of horse manure. I just wanted to clarify that one point.

    The only thing being exposed here is your inability to read. I don't have a party. I'm not sure why you're confused. You keep attacking the Ontario Liberals as though you're attacking me. They're not my party. I didn't vote for them so you miss the mark there.

    Your second paragraph makes you look like a western separatist, so much hatred for fellow Canadians.

    You don't get to have a monopoly on being Canadian. I and every other person in Ontario and Quebec are just as Canadian as you. If you don't like it, you can move to Alaska for all I care, because we're not going anywhere.

    Let me give you a tip about hate, and I'm being sincere here. Holding onto anger at someone is like drinking poison and expecting them to die. You're only hurting yourself. Stop drinking the poison.









    For the record, I wrote the horse manure post. I call it reading between the lines. At least i know where i stand. So along with everything else your Lib mind has led you to think about me we can add that , i cant read, im a western seperatist and should leave. Oh ya, I'm also an angry hater who drinks poison. Anything else? Better yet save it for someone who cares.

  8. Thanks for the clarification! My point still stands though :whistling:

    Really Dutch you expose yourself more and more. Dissect this.


    The government of Ontario has pilfered hundreds of billions of dollars with reckless abandon. If times were good i would refer to them as good intentions. One haiir brained idea after another with little oversight, no accountability and when pressed for an explanation, nothing more than a shoulder shrug. A complete, $50 Million/Day interest DISASTER. I would get into the factual illegal activity but as a Lib , you'd probably find an excuse for it anyway or as the Queen of Mississagua proclaimed "Its water under the bridge".



    Quebec has cried for years, has been given markets, money and everything else theyve asked for simply because they can. Let one of the greatest cities in Canada crumble and because of that a viraly corrupt province had to dump billions of litres of sewage into a river for christ sake.



    So when you whine about "My boy" not wanting to meet this hoard of trough swine just so he could throw good money after bad can you blame him for ignoring the whole lot? Especially Ontario and Quebec.Right or wrong he couldnt trust them .



    Im a class less, fact less, unintelligent piece of crap. Pigeon hole you? Didnt have to Dutch. Some of the best fishing for suckers is on this forum

  9. I really, really want to dissect the streaming pile of horse manure that is the post above yours, but out of respect for the board and because you asked I will let it go.


    Wow!!Thats very inclusive and compassionate of you Dutch. You are more a Lib than you try so hard not to admit. Dung knows Dung. "Enjoy your Boy"

  10. Were you equally incensed when Harper padded the G8 bill by a couple hundred million so they could build gazebos and spend other bribe money in conservative won ridings? Did you come up with a cutsie name for them like you did with the Liberals? (I recommend contard). If not, you may be a hypocrite.


    Harper was around long enough to know him from his track record. For me at least, Trudeau should get more than a cup of coffee in office before we judge.


    Also, many posters here love to trot out how we need to "stand by our commitments to our friends" when it comes to sending Canadians into a war zone.


    As a part of the OECD we made promises regarding international aid to our international partners, and Harper reneged on them. How come that's okay? Cause it was "your boy"?


    I'm not sure why the con love for sending Canadians boys to war, but we have no money to increase the peace in the world? For shame.


    EDIT: you should know that the 100 "swine" you refer to are the Premier's of the provinces, who happen to come from all parties.


    The same Premiers had been asking to meet with Harper for years, and he had no time for them. Some of them have since remarked how nice it is to have a PM who listens, and is inclusive and respectful to the Premiers. But I guess that doesn't matter because to you they are just swine.


    EDIT: before I get slammed for being as anti Harper as you are anti Trudeau, let me state for the record I voted for Harper every election except this one. He had me and he lost me. I'm also very much against the poor job Wynne is doing. I am certainly not a liberal shill.









    In fact I was incensed and would be regardless who governs and wish "My boy" would have excused himself from hosting and offered a better more viable and environmentally sustaining option.With the advancements that have been made in technology I would have preferred they have meetings via video conference. Nothing to build, no palms to grease and no security detail needed. A waste of time, money and valuable resources.To hell with being a host to anything. This kid is flying 100 govt trough swines to a United Climate Change Conference and all that is involved with it from limos to linens. Ya, this kids a real thinker alright. Forget the cup of coffee but if he lets his urine settle in a glass he can actually drink it. Now thats self sustaining.

    Track record? "My Boy" took the reigns during a global economic correction unlike the prosperous boom years Jeans' liberals lucked into.Even a Lib donkey couldn't screw that up. Money was literally falling from the heavens. I saw it myself.

    I'm not 100 % sure but doubt I was ever comfortable to sending troops to a war that was absolutely someone elses responsibility but I would also support them without question.

    Again, I guess "My Boy" didn't want to throw money away that almost never trickles down to those that need it. Ya. I'm ok with that.

    They are from all parties but here again he could have distinguished himself from any other politician and he chose not to. Would it have been wrong to attend the conference with a handful of note takers and report to the premiers once he returned? Same ol' same ol'.

    Stephen didn't want anything to do with Ontario and Quebecs' Premiers but couldn't well invite the rest without allowing the two whiniest to be there. Now in the kids they can all wear sparkle and paint on their faces, blow at pinwheels and live in an inclusive political world where even unicorns and butterflies fart gold dust.

    "Just Watch Me" Isn't that what the kid said? I'm watchin' and the train I see leavin' the station looks just like the trains before it.

    One last thing. Lieberal voters are still Chuckleheads.

  11. Along with attending a summit in Paris with a delegation of 100 trough swines the Lieberals have announced to allocate another 2.6 Billion to developing countries. To other countries in order to develop energy infrastructure? For what? So they can put more people to work offshore, manufacturing more products we wont be making? This Kids' been in office just over a month and has already earmarked 4 Billion dollars to Non Canadians. Makes me feel so compassionate, inclusive, patriotic you have no idea. And I'm bashed for making it a left/right argument. After experiencing the poor excuse we called governance in Ontario for the last decade how could I not?


    I'd like to thank once again the chuckleheaded Lieberal voter.

  12. No need to worry about the holes. Ive used Krown for a few years and find it works well. I prefer that it drip especially away from seams that love to hold salt and grit. Have the truck done every other fall for $120 all in.

  13. You're accusing the Liberals of being the ones fear mongering? Where have you been for the last ten years under Harper? That guy fear mongers with the best of them.....


    Thats all Lieberals do. Stephen Harpers' hidden agenda is all weve heard about over the last decade. Worked for the thieves currently at the helm in Ontario with the "In their pocket union lackies". Now they're banging their heads against the wall and spending money deploying "fear mongering" ads against the very govt that "Fear mongered" against BIG Bad Tim Hudak. What a bunch of weak minded, fear mongering lackies . Funny indeed.

  14. I been there, done that, when I was young(er) and naive, and held my nose while I voted for Harper.

    The Liberals are not my party, so I won't be let down. I follow the long Canadian tradition of voting for the "least worst" option. This time around, I felt the Liberals were the "least worst". That doesn't mean they get a rubber stamp from me, and I will not be surprised if they don't live up to their promises (like every other governing party in my lifetime).


    Like ive said before, I hope this kid can do good for Canada and Canadians but he won a popularity contest not an election and that that leaves me with little hope.

  15. Not to mention the other Tyrants they overthrew (or helped overthrow) in various other places such as Libya. Unfortunately, some of these tyrants were the reason worse people weren't in power to begin with...they weren't very nice people but they had the bad assess under control.


    Exactly my point. Put them there to begin with and when they fail to tow your line its time to expidite their removal and consequences be damned.

  16. Don't blame the US for being attacked on 9/11........


    YES, you are correct........leave them all THERE..........there are many other VERY WEALTHY Arab countries to take these refuges in, so why are they heading here.


    BTW Obama already said that ISIS is contained, so then it's safe for them to stay there ! ! !

    What happened on 9/11 wasnt deserved but it was and inevitable result of a foreign policy that had run amok and became little more than a self serving excersize.


    My reference was to how quick the US govt was to throw whatever evidence they could at the UN to get their blessing and storm in there, turn upside down a place that the "Tyrant" had firmly under control then dust themselves off and leave without implementing the proper tools in place and make sure the transitional force stayed as long as needed. They are directly responsible for the spawn of this band of misfits reigning terror worldwide. Its not my opinion either its just the way it is.

  17. Wonder what it would cost to do nothing?

    The answer is in your question. "Nothing". Let the US govt figure out the GD mess they created.



    Canada always steps up and rerely does nothing. Build a camp over there and staff it. Hell even service it with a Tim Horton kiosk. Keep it over there.

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