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Posts posted by moxie

  1. You can debate whether it is okay for tournament anglers to lug fish around in their live wells and cull them through out the day. But it is legal for them do so.

    If a TV Pro is letting an out of season fish out to dry for 30 seconds, then I would say they are breaking the law. It is probably legal for an in season fish.

    The fish that inspired this thread was out of season and must be released immediately. Taking a few seconds to take a picture before releasing the fish may very well be less harmfal than culling a bass that has been in the livewell for half a day. But the law favours the tournament bass fisherman who culled the bass that has been in his livewell for three hours; not on the side of the casual fisherman who took three seconds to photograph an out of season fish.



    Referring to shows where the time between netting, removing the hook and then being held up for the camera while choking for air and where tournaments are concerned, they should be banned from keeping fish in a livewell. Weigh the fish , release it and move on. Its a "Just because it's legal doesn't make it right" thing for me.

  2. The so called TV Pros hang fish out to dry for 30 Seconds or more and tourney guys harass, stress and lug fish around in their wells all day and that's ok I guess.

    I've never had an issue snapping a pic of a decent fish even if it is OOS nor do I put much stock in what those who would take issue with this practice have to say. Good on you for setting the record straight.


    Edited cause auto correct blows.

  3. Those were just a couple of examples of what is available if you're willing to put in some road time. My Crestie was an American boat this big boat marina in Sarnia purchased along with an Ultracraft and they both sat there for a few months under the shadows of Boston Whalers and Sea Rays. Called for info, set up an appointment and headed to Sania to look at it, second time for a water test and the final trip was to tow it home. The deal was more than fair and the marina took care of the paperwork on their end. All I had to do was show up, pay and sign. Good luck.

  4. Own a 2004 16 ft Crestliner s/c and am very happy with it. Next boat would be a dual console or full W/T Aluma or Star craft of at least 17 ft as a 16ft of the same config kills a tonne of space. Buy the max hp you cannot afford and you won't regret it and stay away from the "Black Anchors" at all costs. You won't regret That decision either.

  5. Been exploring that area for the past 4 years and I loved it so much I talked my better half into 3 Acres on big Clear last summer. Crude beginnings right now but theres' always cold drinks and a grill at arms length. Plan to be up there every weekend from thaw to freeze up. Pm me if you're in the area to stop by or go for a fish.

  6. I knew you'd come wandering around here with your usual garbage moxie. You're a broken record. It's boring now.

    Listen there dutch, I lost my father Thursday morning in what has been an experience I wouldn't wish for any patient of our so called health care system. Although he received exceptional care from some staff, the indifference of others that saw us step in on several occasions and probably save him from great harm still leaves us shocked.



    Our family watched a man go in for a procedure he believed would extend his life with loved ones and age him 20 years in the 3 months of hell he endured in both ccu and acute care Until the strongest part of him, his heart just gave out.


    I could accept the fact he took a risk and it just wasn't in the cards for

    him but when the bed sore on his buttocks was so bad it was a mess of rotting flesh and exposed bone, it tears my heart out to think of of the undue pain and suffering he went through at the hands of a system he entrusted with his life. A lesser man's heart would have stopped much sooner.


    Systems are broken throughout ministries and these governing idiots keep fritterin away our present and future in a fashion that makes the astute among us long for the past while we all suffer along the way.


    I doubt kate, Dalton and the health minister would be interested in what I have to say so I'll save it for "ALL" in public "SERVICE". I will miss "NO" opportunity to voice my displeasure when I feel you have not earned what you take from us. A while back a member asked why I pick on our best. Prove your best and you won't be picked on. Maintain the status quo and there will be no quarter given. You don't like it, cry to your boss. I pay my dues and owe you sqwat.


    Broken record and garbage? Not enough room in that closet for as big a lib as yourself.You just don't know what you are or wanna be dutch. At least I'm not a pretender.


    I'll be sure to give my dad your best?

  7. "Between 2008 and 2015, more than $150 billion was added back onto the federal debt, leaving it at $614 billion, a new high."

    (Source: http://www.debtclock.ca/about-debtclock/debt-history/)

    Hey, it' only taxpayer money, right.

    I'll give you a few minutes to figure out how to blame this on the Liberals.

    300+ Billion and counting in Ontario alone. All Liberal too.



    4+ Billion in just over a month federally. At this rate he will surpass that with ease in a five year span.


    The smell was is and will continue to be all lib. No matter how you try to twist it.

  8. You just keep digging that hole deeper my friend!

    I am willing to wait and see where JT is concerned. Apparently that's not a popular sentiment around here though if past comments are any indicator.


    At least we now have help from fed libs to dig the deepest ever seen.

    Yes, because only Liberals have ever wasted tax payer funds. (/sarcasm)

    This is true but it's the smug attitude that libs use while trying to justify it that makes me want to throw up.

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