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Posts posted by moxie

  1. Fished the openers but only fished the derby once. If you want to fish the Derby then I guess you have no choice but to be caught in the chaos but we figure since its probably going to be a late start like last year we'll let the crowds dwindle and head out that way a week or two later.

  2. Wow those prices to cut and code keys are cheap! You should see what VW/BMW/Mercedes charge, lol.


    I hear ya Bill but thats part and parcel that comes with their stature in the Autosphere.

    280 when I lost my keys to my f150. 700 with the fobs.

    Added "1" spare key with FOB for our Accord a couple of years back and it cost $175+ at the dealer. Outrageous.



    The day after we moved into this house we accidently locked the door with all the keys inside so I had to go to a friends place and call a locksmith to come out. He was here in 30 minutes and charged me $115 to get us back inside which I didn't find bad at all considering the circumstances.

    Ran a roadside assist vehicle years back and I would be more than fair when people locked themselves out.

    My favs were the AssHats that would agree to an already fair price and would balk once they saw the door open. Needless to say the keys would be tossed right back into the vehicle at which point they had two options. Accept the double billing or call someone else.

  3. You know what I love? In the past 3 pages this has been the talking.



    Leafs fans: other teams around the NHL, Ottawa, Montreal, the state of the league


    Non-leafs fans: LEAFS LEAFS LEAFS LEAFS!


    Geez, you guys must be the ones selling out the ACC on a nighty basis. You care more about the team then us 'die hards' do.

    LOL!!!!! I've seen more promise in Dog droppings than this sham of an organization. They can't even blow it up right. And you gotta love the empty seats. Heres hoping it gets worse. A much deserved wake up call.

  4. Land"O"Lakes region is around the 3 hr travel mark. You can choose a lake(plenty of crown land as well as parks and campgrounds) and you can sit on one lake for your entire stay, fish a couple or a different lake everyday. We have permission to use a 5 acre property as a home base and there are at least 8-10 lakes within a half hour of our camp. Just a thought and good luck in your search.

  5. Lets stop with the personal attacks on each other, enough already! If you disagree with someones point of view fine, debate it if you will or agree to disagree but let it go at that.


    Over the years we have had some very heated topics discussed on here and some real eye opening debates but I don't ever remember this level of attacks on anyones charactor being tolerated before.

    You are absolutely correct Cliff


    One who instigates and feels they are beyond reproach is sadly mistaken. Especially one with delusions of grandeur. Besides.......HE STARTED IT!!!!!! ;)

  6. It's an absolute embarrassment how many discussions turn this way. Ideas? Ideals? No, shots at someone's looks.


    I'm all for ripping on politicians policies and actions but if you're not intelligent enough to articulate your opinions maybe you should be "seen and not heard".


    No wonder why many feel we're not responsible enough to have increased access to booze.

    Man "you" embarrass easy. I think pointing out how insanely grotesque she looks has validity. Her politics mirror her looks. Just plain "Ugly" all the way around.


    Pour yourself a stiff drink and heed the "advice" in your signature.

  7. Not really a drinker so I couldn't care less about accessibility but they fell short as Lieberals usually do. The convenience store owners could use the revenue and instead they slip into bed with Billionaire owners and their Millionaire shareholders. Shows where their priorities lie.


    I hope Christine Elliott wins the PC leadership, public servants realize were all in this together instead of watching out for their own self interests and the Lieberals are relegated to third party status in the next provincial election. Will be almost impossible to climb out of the hole these my mom hates me have dug for us but at least it won't get any deeper. Heres hoping.



    As far as Uncle Kattie. As well as being a corrupt political hack with little to no common sense s/he has to be about the ugliest wo/man I have ever seen. EVER!

  8. Sorry to hear of your loss. Binbrook Six Nations eh? Could have been a Hungarian dude with a penchant for black boats? If I was quite sure it was a certain individual or group of individuals, I would contact the authorities immediately. Why don't you? I really don't like the profiling but hey, that's just my opinion.

    We live in a land of rainbows and unicorns up here in Canada. That boat could have been taken by anyone but lets not kid ourselves here. From smokes to assault rifles the Res carries all and there isn't a set of hard assed nuts in all levels of law enforcement and/or govt that would dare to do anything about it. Ask the Israelis how much worse things would be there if they didn't learn habits and tendencies of those who would want to exterminate them from existence. Just my opinion.

  9. Of course. Sad but true.


    but seriously, imagine every poacher getting a $25,000 dollar fine for each offense.


    Also, im obviously no lawyer, but when the court hands a hefty fine, if its not payed within the time given, isnt the fine payed in jailtime in accordance to the amount of the fine?

    I hear ya and as Gerritt said the revenues collected will go to prop up this provinces dumbass liberal governments' debt and not into the ministry itself but I'm good with jail time alone as a deterrent. That to me is absolute enforcement.

  10. A sticker on a window or door will dissuade 50% of thieves to walk on by so thats the first step I took. The next step would be to purchase and wire up a few sensors and a back up battery pack to two horns on a 30 second delay. Those things going off would have me on the run if I was a thief. Paying someone in an office to log when my alarm goes off doesn't make much sense to me other than making people "feel" protected.

  11. I have two Interstate MegaTrons group 27 deep cycle batteries powering my Minn Kota. Bought them in the spring of 2013. I had one of them fail at the end of last season. Replaced under warranty.


    Still consider them excellent batteries. Had a set in my old boat that lasted 5 yrs without any issues.

    X2. I run a a 70Lb Pd MK now but over the last 5 seasons they've run both 12 and 24 volt motors and having to add water to one cell once in those 5 years is the only hiccup.

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