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Posts posted by moxie

  1. Good on Port Hope. I moved out to Durham Region almost 30 years ago and fished these flows when they were tree lined and ran cold most of the year. Had to give it up as i was just tired of the routine confrontations with hacks whether it was educating them on some edicit or telling them to pick up after themselves. I hope the Hope can make it happen and other municipalities follow suit .

  2. Agreed.


    This situation really does suck....nothing can be done because the two "cheaters" legally didn't do anything wrong.


    Now I'm curious if other tournaments can "ban" these guys....is that legal in Canada? Can you refuse entry to a public event when technically they weren't caught cheating....?

    Did they cheat or not? Solution is simple. "Ban" tournament fishing and there wont be anymore tourney cheaters. Just the regular run of the mill "non tourney" kind of cheaters. This morning my 77 year old father lost part of his lung to remove two cancerous tumors and is currently recovering. Am i the only one or does someone else realize just how "STUPID" this particular discussion is? Really STUPID!!!
  3. Nice how the other political hacks take the picture of a 3 yr old lying face down on a beach and use it to garner votes but I wouldn't expect anything less from them. Harpers Conservatives have made mistakes just as others have but he seems to understand how this game should be played both at home and abroad. I shudder to think what Canada would look like after a term led by either of the two socialists on the left. Lets hope we won't find out.



    When Johnny Cretan speaks all I smell is crap. The only thing he knew was how to delegate. It served him well but thats all I will give him credit for. Crooked as the day is long.

  4. Do it in the darkness of night and don't tell anybody. Lol.

    As risky as it was thats exactly what i did. Set up a buyer for the oil who showed up with the proper equipment. Took him about an hour to complete and the $350 in my pocket for the oil. I disconnected, capped and sealed all connections and dragged it outside where it waited along side the old oil furnace for another buyer and another $150 in my pocket. And to think some respondents to my Kijiji ad wanted to charge me a fee to do the same.



    As previously stated, It isn't Rocket Surgery. Just be careful.

  5. I agree that I got off topic. My point is similar to the one Cast-away made, just not stated as well. The games are a great opportunity to celebrate athleticism, and I am enjoying them. If you don't that is fine, but please don't get all negative about petty little things, as in my opinion there is far too much negativity in the world. If people were to appreciate what they have, instead of tearing down what they see wrong in others, and even maybe celebrating with others, or at least take action instead of just criticizing, the world would be a better place in my opinion.

    Sorry again for getting off topics.

    Feel free to post my final thought on this one.

  6. Just to clarify, I said you're comment was ignorant, as in lacking valid information and not based on facts.

    I also said that you are a sheep because you bashed the games seemingly for the sake of being negative, not because you disagree with me. If you were to provide some solid reasons as to why you hate the games, besides the fact that your already long commute has become longer, than you would be adding done thin tintype conversation.

    Comments of a public servant for whom the sun always shines on the pot of gold which is the public purse? A lot of people made out like bandits and others will write their names in history while patting themselves on the back for this fiasco of another rotting corpse dumped in a black hole of debt we continue to allow bureaucrats to dig in our name.


    Building so called infrastructure for this second rate event while we get stuck with the bill? You Danny are the ignorant one. Since when do we have to host something in order to build infrastructure??? Inane comment and sad if one thinks it should be done this way. If you need it, and it is necessary, build the Damn thing!!!!! Mountain bike courses and velodromes aren't necessary.


    In 2011 Guadalajara used the games in order to build much needed infrastructure(Cause they had none) and it cost them $200 Million. Its going to cost us well over $2 Billion. For a track and a couple of swimming pools? What type of genius thinks this is a good use of OUR money in a flailing economy? That's beyond ignorant.


    Better to be referred to as a Tin Hat than a Cement Head.

  7. Buy them, Buy many and please buy often. But wait... increased ticket sales could be spun into success and be a catalyst to us landing a first class games like the Olympics which would cost even more than these games will.


    Shouldn't they be begging countries to host games instead of countries bidding for them? Sounds Bass Ackwards to me. Anyhow, I hope the athletes get what they need from the games but as far as the games revenue/cost ratio is concerned I only want to see complete FAILURE so they or any other game(s) never set foot here again.



    I know I can rain on just about everything but when I see us cheering for games and people in the same city living in increasing squalor, personal bests are truly meaningless.


    If all else fails they could give them away at the LCBO with a purchase. :whistling:

  8. You'd all have to admit that the curriculum we were taught as kids just doesn't cut it today and must be updated but agree that whatever they choose to teach kids must be age appropriate and should cover the whole spectrum. Our world is a much different place today and as such discussions of tolerance and acceptance must take place but they have no right to normalize certain sexual practices and preferences. It should be our right to decide for for ourselves as well as our children.




    By the way, how did tree cutting and sign posting turn into this? This should be more about a decades' worth of corruption, scandals, boondoggles and utter incompetent governance by the most oppressive, finger wagging, nanny statist pieces of crap this bankrupt province has and/or will ever see. These Lieberals suck and their self serving lackey supporters suck even more. Thats what this should be about.

  9. Why would they care? It isn't their money. And besides, there are no consequences. The provincial government is the largest employer in the province and therefore have the largest voting block in their hip pocket. Ontario; Home of the self serving public servant. What a travesty.

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