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Everything posted by DoubleDigits

  1. There is a vid on utube of a kiwi guy on a kayak being followed/chased by a white pointer. Paddling full speed and the shark is right on his tail. Pretty scary.
  2. I agree with Cudz on all points here. Despite the nice scenery and fairly good production value, the show that you refer to is just painfully boring.
  3. Sadly, most of the guys who posted on this thread were eventually eaten by black bears over the years...
  4. Wow dude, dont get your hairnet in a knot! Quite the overreaction to a simple question, woudn't you say?
  5. Sunline is the nicest braid I've ever used, but I do like Suffix 832. There is much worse out there.
  6. Artwork looks awesome. Post a pic when you get it filled in.
  7. From one fan of southern fishing to another, thanks Art. Thanks! Thanks, and yeah, it was early season in about 95 FOW. A lucky catch, as it turned out.
  8. Thank you Pidge, glad you liked it.
  9. Yeah, but without the golf! yep, just the one.
  10. Thanks, and yes.
  11. Hi everyone, I thought I'd put up some fishing pictures from this winter. I've had a lot of fun fishing over the past 3 months...multiple days out on simcoe, a couple missions to BOQ, a weekend trip to Haliburton, and a week of bass fishing with my parents in Central Florida. The highlight for me was spending an afternoon teaching my mom to bass fish, and catching my biggest bass in the process. Enjoy: Thanks for looking, Brad
  12. Thanks guys... Yeah thanks, and no, it was nothing like the day we were out there...
  13. Hmmm. Does this one do any better: http://s1223.beta.photobucket.com/user/fishinpixx/media/classic_zps89d81294.mp4.html
  14. Not sure why, but I don't know much about photobucket.
  15. Thanks Roy, and you're welcome!
  16. I fished all day yesterday in the BBP area, walking many miles and drilling many holes. Worked from 125' to 75' looking for a fish willing to actually bite. As the skunk wore on into the afternoon I decided to play with the camera a bit, and set it on the snow to film myself drilling a hole...the only time I turned on the camera all day, and the only time I needed to. Thanks for looking!
  17. Can anyone actually confirm all this talk about a big whitefish die-off?? Seems like a lot of talk based on only one second hand account of what someone saw on a camera that I have found on the web...
  18. I had a hub go on my HT 2 man pop-up last year. One of the metal ferules snapped while taking it down in high winds. I contacted HT, and they told me to take a picture of the damage and send it to them. Three weeks later a brand new hut (4 man!) showed up at my door. Give it a try.
  19. I would forget the canoe and get a guide.
  20. Haven't been out of IPB yet but I found this one at BBP a few weeks back.
  21. I wear an Arctic Armor (Plus) suit, which is a two-piece. Its not a traditional float suit, but I can personally attest that it floats very nicely. Much more comfortable than my old mustang two-piece.
  22. LOL...I always thought the narration must be a Google translation from another language! Completely bizarre.
  23. Great post!
  24. Speaking of bad fishing TV, I just saw that WFN are giving JP DeRose another show...hope the new show has even more footage of old icast shows! Seriously though, I think all of WFN's original programming (not sure if the make Lost Lake, which was pretty good) is just...awful.
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