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About mattp33

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  1. I just cleaned my garage out after a few years and all I can say is get rid of the old juice. When it starts to leak it's BAD!!! I find it swells most plastics I use and try to soak in it. (Yamos)
  2. bahahahaha
  3. Do any of you guys intentionally go out in the rain? With the way the weather has been reported this summer I'm finding it hard to get out. Almost everyday I have available they are calling for rain. I have good rain gear but I call myself a fair weather fisher. Does anyone head out in a boat knowing or thinking it's going to rain?
  4. Glad to hear it ended up ok Fishing sounded good tho!!!
  5. First time out tis year..... We started out of lauderdale($25 to launch this year!!!!) and checked some grass beds close to the marina, third cast BAM! First bass of the year from the back of the boat burning spinner bait. I'm thinking ok this should be good we are doing something right? WRONG..went an hour with nothing.. Checked the back bays, nothing but dinks, on a side note the small river near the float plane is LOADED with pike. I had some crazy topwater pike action for a bit but lost a sunfish and got the heck out of there cause I am after the bass today. Headed out towards the islands after checking some spots in between, again some dinks... Got to the island and managed a 2lbs smallie that really thought he was 7! Tough day today, water was high, overcast conditions, cold and a little windy, lots of currant and muddy water. The weeds looked strange to me as well. Look very brown and dead everywhere. They even have a pretty good algae bloom this year. Very strange day. I just could not find the quality that I am used to from this lake. I hoping it was weather related and not signs of things to come......
  6. I use them a lot, got my JJ's from them!
  7. Thank porkpie very kind. I have 1 on order that should be here early next week. $249 + shipping I think this one will get screwed down to the floor or placed inside a locker from now on. This Friday turned into a bust anyways, life gets in the way of my fishing!!! eergh!
  8. Possible have an open seat for friday on scugog for bass. Need to find a replacement foot pedal as mine was stolen at the weigh in on saturday. I dont get some people, its a charity tournament and someone has the nerve to grab my Xi5 pedal off my deck while we were taking pics and dealing with the weigh in. Damn thing aint cheap! And hard to find to boot! Anyways.... Looking for some redemption on the lake this week. Had 5lbs on sat (4 fish limit due to the heat) and managed 12 sunday. Figures i find them the following day eh?well kinda. Winner had 16lbs sat. leaving Orangeville friday morning early and will be back in town for mid to late afternoon. Cheers!
  9. Love this stuff. I put this sh!t in everything!
  10. Sometimes I buy used and want my own "character" on it Lol I finish with a vin/water wash to remove residue.
  11. ^^^^^^ this. Magic eraser
  12. Thanks Ironmaker I am heading up tomorrow so I laft this last minute... I see this going to be a drinkin weekend anyways lol Thanks for all the advice guys, knew I couldn't go wrong here!
  13. LOL Thanks for the tips, I'm not sure I will take it up full time as I dont have the time. I would like to try it out tho. The HDS unit sits on the front of my boat so it doesn't have a battery I would need a lot for that. Think I will pass. But I will need a couple of rods by the sounds of it and some tackle. Are the $50 combos better than the $30? Also what size line should I be using for the walleye bite? Do you ever use braid with a floro leader like I would in soft water? Just caught the line comment thanks
  14. Hey guys, as many of you know I dont have many questions when it comes to soft water besides who wants to come with me... Well I just got invited on my first ice fishing trip to meme What are the basics that I need to bring? Rod Reel tips ups? We have a hut, and buddies got an auger and I think he has a flasher as well. I am heading to Cabelas to stock up on some things but I have no clue even where to start. Any help would be great. I have an HDS5 should I get the winter ice package for it? Thanks
  15. WOW Thats CRAZY!!!! I loved the 1 that took off like a rocket! And the VW peels out lol
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