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Bob Devine

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About Bob Devine

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  1. I'm really glad you enjoyed the day and I was able to get all of you on a few fish. Looking forward to our next adventure. Thanks again.
  2. Proper id is important but not necessary. Good to have in case of an emergency to land. The USCG does require a throwing ring or seat cushion in addition to the items required by CCG.
  3. If you are interested in a musky trip my new website is www.chartertalk.ca
  4. Yes off the beach.
  5. While most of Ontario is still thawing out us here in the banana belt will be hitting the open water. The river is a lot of fun vertical jigging for eyes. Boat control is the key to catching fish. The month of April leading into mothers day weekend is prime time. As the fish migrate back to Lake Erie things will heat up in May for the trollers.
  6. Good report Lew. Is that a Skeeter or and what model?
  7. With any trip weather will be a factor. With N or E winds LSC get tore up with dirty and rough water. You can even catch muskies from the shore if you get blown off the lake. Also some great walleye and perch action on Erie too.
  8. I like the way the Otters track and they store beside my seats without scratching the fibreglass on my boat. I have used others, wood ones could scratch with the bolts and rods they are made with. Large molded boards did not seem to track well or were too long to store. I was happy with the performance and storage of the Otters and have used them for about 11 years.
  9. Thanks Mike and others, you never know when you are going to catch a "big" fish and you want it to come at the right time. This one did! I prefished for 2 days before the shoot and we could not break 40". As you can tell it all worked out with a mix of fish from 32"-??" lol.
  10. We trolled a number of "local" baits and the Shallow Raiders. They all caught fish, but one "local" bait did better getting 5 of the 9 bites we had during that day of filming. Yes it was all done on 1 day from about 10am-430pm. As was mentioned in the show there was a front circling the great lakes and we had a little bit of, sun, wind and rain.
  11. I was at the seminar and found it informative. Great to see a very good cause and all those involved to make it happen, from Andy and Vita to all the volunteers.
  12. Your sauger is a decent one. The Ont record was caught by Kris Gagnier on the Detroit River in 1992, it was 22.20" and weighed 4.40lbs. It is one of 4 ONT record fish that have been caught in the Windsor area. White crappie, black crappie, temperate hybrid bass(whiper).
  13. I bet there will be some talk about the Detroit River by Gord Pyzer and Lake St. Clair from Jim Saric. Both had great days on the water this past fall both in numbers and size!!
  14. I tie mine too, 6' long for my open water Lake Erie fishing. 15# floro, orange, chartruese, purple, white, red, or green beads, quick change clevis, single hook for the front and treble on the rear and a I put barrel swivel up front to prevent line twist. I wrap my harnesses on a swim tube like others but do not add the blades. Each tube has its own color of bead. I will add the blade when I put it in the water. I included a picture of the blade boxes that I use to organize my blades sizes 4 5 and 6 mostly Colorado's. If anyone is interested in a blade box $20 I will have some at the Spring Boat and Fishing Show in Feb.
  15. Any updates will be updated almost immediately since you will not have to wait for a new print. Once the data is developed the info can be updated and it could be as quick as the next day for the new dive curve. For those who do use their book I have laminated the pages that I use the most, Reef Runners, Rapala DHJ 10-12, Tail Dancers and Smithwick Rogues and placed this laminated paper on the lid of my Plano 3700 for quick reference.
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