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About fisher12

  • Birthday May 16

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  1. Where along the Credit river can you catch these smallmouth bass?
  2. Anyone else have some advice, I hope to go here soon. I should be coming out from Bewdley. I want to target bass mostly and walleye.
  3. I googled Harmony Creek and this is what I came up with, that its in oshawa?
  4. lol that's a good idea indeed, she will learn her lesson then I suppose.lol
  5. Sorry for your loss.
  6. If anyone saw the Quantum combo yet, Can you please tell me the information on the rod and reel combo(line capacity etc.)? Thank you
  7. So it seems there are no fishing shops in Brampton.
  8. Nothing going on at the one in heartland ,Mississauga either. lol
  9. lol
  10. Tompkins R from the south side.
  11. Well I bought a Rapala RSC 8 foot rod last year , my reel has 12 pounds main line and I will be using 8 pound fluorocarbon leaders and size 8 gamakatsu hooks. Will this be good for fishing steelhead and salmon at rivers like the Credit and the Humber?
  12. people beside me were using the same rig as i changed mine after I saw their's.
  13. I think you meant to reply to douG not me. right?
  14. Whoaa, those are some jumbo bass there.
  15. I'm pretty sure it was catfish because some people beside me were only catching catfish and using the same bait as me , worms.
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