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Everything posted by nroadrunner

  1. Excellent shots. My fater in law also is a trapper here in Muskoka and he too has a cabin that sits alone on the lake. They must have different rules up north as no one is aloud to stay in the trap cabin overnight unless they are trapping. I believe even my father in law is limited to how long he can stay in the cabin when it is not trapping season. Which sucks because my wife and I were going to spend the weekend with my six year old and do some fishing. Some nice fish you caught Ian
  2. submarine?????
  3. yes we are in a good spot 30 seconds from lake of bays and 1 min down stream it is dammed of and turns into muskoka river.
  4. Well I have had little time ( hour here or there) to fish since mid July. I have not had the boat in since then just been shore fishing, with not much luck. Nothing bigger that 8 inches since late July. Of course every day I have taken off this year it has rained, and today was no exception. Decided to go fishing for an hour after dinner at the dam, about 2 min walk from my house. Was going more to practice with my baitcaster, did not think I would get much. Rain held off for the hour temp are dropping. Was 30 ish all week today around 21. Put on a Bandit 100 series crankbait in perch, 10 or so casts later nice fish on. I call my wife at home, while fighting fish, to bring camera down to dam. About 90 seconds after I land it she shows up snap a few pics and back she goes. Weighed in a 3lb 3 oz on my new digital scale. Not a monster but after a hard month I was very pleased This fish was caught in about 1 foot of water right beside the rapids, exact same spot I caught my PB 6lb smallie in early July. Hopefully the pics work Ian
  5. they have been catching what appears to be blue walleye on a lake near huntsville. I don't know how to post but they have pictures of them on Muskokaoutdoors.com Ian
  6. I live In Baysville, a stones throw from Lake of Bays. It all depends what you want to catch but I owuld fish lake of bays over Kawagama The nearest public boatlaunch on Lake of bays from Algonguin is on Dwight beach rd. To get to Kawagam you would have to drive about 20 -30 min longer. Lake of bays holds both smallies and largemouth in the 5-6 lbs range as well as lake trout and last couple years they have been catching 15-25 lb pike. Good luck Ian
  7. I had to rent some for the week of the G8 for work. We used Point to Point communications I believe they are Barrie and North maybe other locations Ian
  8. My doctor retired this year as well. I got a call from another doctor advising me they would be taking all Dr smyth's patients. I advised them I would not be using them and would be using the same physician as my wife and son are using. Not a problem files were sent over to the physician I chose never paid a nickel. Sounds to me like your Dr is POed they will not be billing for your family visits for the next 50 years so they are sticking it to you now. Ian
  9. Thanks for the responses. I was only gonna use fluoro for dragging tubes and senkos as my mono is getting knicked, and I read fluoro stands up to abrasives better. I may try running a fluoro leader instead of all fluoro, based on the responses. Thanks for the help Ian
  10. Hey Folks I have never used fluoro before looking to spool it on one of my reels. I currently have Abu 603 ALBi with 8lb mono and the spare spool has fireline braid ( not impressed gonna switch to power pro) . I picked up a ABU 503 ALBi for $34 on sale month or so ago at Canadian tire and I am thinking of putting fluoro on the main spool and maybe a heavy mono 14# or so on the spare spool. I live in muskoka and the lakes can be rocky so I was thinking of the fluoro for dragging tubes etc. I have a baitcaster BPS bionic reel with a BPS extreme rod ( it was cheaper this way than buying the bionic combo go figure LOL) it has 50# power pro braid which I use for topwater frogs and pitching weeds. I fish mostly for bass so any input on the best fluoro or if I should use it would be appreciated. Thanks Ian
  11. I have a 12 foot tinny I tried my neighbours 30lb and it wasn't enough. Canadian tire had 40lb min kotas on sale so I bought one and am very pleased with it. DO NOT CHEAP OUT ON THE BATTERY you will regret it later. I can get 6 hours easy out of my min kota and interstate deep cycle battery ( according tot the battery level indicator I feel I could go 8 maybe ten just never tried yet.) I stayed away from the solar charger as I felt battery would last a days fishing I then charge it overnight on a trickle charger works great so far. Ian
  12. thanks for the info guys several great ideas Imay go the easy route and buy the bracket. Feel like an idiot for not knowing they existed but hey wouldn't be the first time LOL Ian
  13. Hey guys new to the boards ( been reading for about a month) Brief intro. I live in Muskoka just picked up a 12 foot tinny last year, shore fished before that. I run a 40lb min kota transom mount electric on the tinny. I picked up a Hummingbird PiranhaMAX 160 fish finder brand new for $80 3 weeks ago. I throw my tinny in the back of my ranger to go fishing small cottage lakes where launching is sometimes not easy. My question is can I make my fish finder prtable as I am worried about transducer getting knocked off n my travels? I was thinking of getting some threaded rod and somehow mounting transducer to that, then I would put threaded rod in one of the oar holders and secure with locking nuts. Will this work or does anyone have another idea? Thanks Ian
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