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Everything posted by mercman

  1. My dad was in the RCEME Royal Canadian Electrical Mechanical Engineers.He was not on the front lines, but followed the troops, repairing artillery and inventing solutions to the problems faced.Before he died, i got one story from him.He was on his back,checking the plates under a sherman tank.One of his buddies was clearing a birds nest from the end of the big gun.A third mechanic was climbing down into the turret and accidently fired the gun with his foot.Dad said he heard the bang and felt a weight on his chest and slid out from under the tank, to find the lower torso of his buddy in a heap beside him on the ground.He carried that with him and let it go 6 months before he passed.I can't even imagine
  2. thanks for that Terry. The song says it all.
  3. amazing tribute.I love old photos.My mom has a ton of pics like these of my dad.I must go through them again. Thanks for sharing. Paul
  4. nope just me stuck in DST...
  5. thank god, i thought i missed it
  6. Novemeber is typically know as the month of the dead in many countries.Its a time to pray for and remember those who have died.I use this time to remember my father who served in Korea for 13 months.My uncle Ralph who survived the D-day offensive on Juno Beach only to die years later from shell shock and post tramatic stress disorder, and my great uncle Eugene who died somewhere in France in WW1.They never found his body.All went as young men, and those who came back were older and seldom spoke of what they saw and experienced. Please take the time this week to honor a vetran,remember a familly member who served, or pray for our soldiers still in action. ............................................................................ In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.
  7. 9pm discovery channel, be there or be square
  8. BILLY BOB !!! good yo asee ya.i was wonderin when you were gonna show up and teach us the fine art of tax caculation.Ever think of runnin for president I'd vote for ya
  9. find the reason for it and correct it if possible.Dogs cant tell us verbally something is wrong. Anyway, we all know how you feel so lets get back to the OP's question or make no comment at all.SHEESH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Crates are not bad things.I have a Lab and a Pomeranian(who thinks shes a lab)Trick is to get the right size cage for the dog.Both of mine have thier own cage.When i first got them, i kept them in, with a blanket and some treats.made it a posiyive experience. When we were at home we left the door open and they would sleep in them.To them it was a secure little place to sleep.Now we leave them without locking the doors and they are happy as heck.The lab actually will pull the door shut behind her. The OP has a dog,and wants to add to his pack and only wanted our opinions on breed.So he knows all about what dogs are capable of doing.There is no bad behavior that cannot be changed in a dog.None at all.
  11. BUSTER......ya have to train them man !!!!!!! If not, stop making the poor things so miserable, and find a home for it My 8 yr old female lab, is trained to pee in an enclosure out side and no where else. not on the grass or my deck.She will fetch her toys by color.if i want the red one, i ask for it, yellow, blue, green.I say suirrel, and she is at the telephone pole(thats my fault.....The dog in the movie 'UP' reminds me of my Trinity) You cant leave a dog in the garage and expect it to be happy.Treat your animals as members of the familly pack and it will love you for ever.He pees in the garage because he associates that as punishment and pees in submission. I cant believe you have had dogs all your life after reading that post.Once a dog lover alwasy a dog lover, and thats a fact. The dog probably senses your negative energy and has lost all of respect for you.THEY KNOW....dont kid yourself. and before you piss on this, a well trained dog can be left out in the house without worry.I suspect seperation anxiety.It knows how you feel about him or her.Change your attitude, and you will see a differnce.
  12. and wait till they phase out the penny then they can really round up.CAUSE WE ALL KNOW THEY AINT GONNA ROUND DOWN
  13. I did promise myself to try icefishing this winter.I used to as a kid with Pops.The only real memory i have was watching him run across the lake with the soles of his boots on fire.He dozed off with his feet propped up against our wood heater.Funniest thing i've ever seen.Also the first time i heard the F word coming from his mouth.Left black rubber goo for 1/2 mile in the ice I never let him forget that either.
  14. i see that i'm not the only one who gets a little snakey this time of year This is my first winter with you guys. It's gonna be a loooonnnngggggg winter isn't it.
  15. Oh and BTW i rescue all my dogs.They are just as smart and will love you more.Never been let down.
  16. We had her "fixed" so no problems there(not that she was broken ) I had a female cocker once and we didnt get her done.Every month doggy diapers.Get her spayed for sure.Mine was up and around in a day and a half.
  17. lab for sure.they love the water,they are good with people and mine is smarter than me. I know, I know, how can that be....Easy its a female. Good tempered and she loves her daddy. I find females are a better listeners and they are eager to please.(The lab) Just my experience.
  18. excellent report Joey. Looks like you had an excellent time !!! Roy and J are true gems. I'm a liitle shy when meeting new people, but when i met them we were talking like old buddys within 2 minutes. Barb and i live 20 minutes from Roy. Wish i could have met up with you guys. So how did ya like the drive through MTL, quite an experience i bet. Paul
  19. Holy Crap!!!!!!!!!!!! just thinking about that gives me the heebie jeebies BTW why are you still awake ....i thought you guys hibernated up there in the winter
  20. thanks, i'm going to try Bud in St Jean.Its only 20 minutes from me. Merci, probablement semaine prochaine. Faut preparer mon liste pour noel
  21. My wife suffers from SAD.It's not fun for her to deal with either.Humm....since i own the company,maybe i could take off around 2.30 and let my employess close up.I LIKE IT
  22. both nice fish I must say, i like the shotgun hold too. Thanks!
  23. naked women!!! Ya baby.........but the rootbeer just gives me gas. Thats the only beer i can drink.....sigh.
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