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About youngfisher

  • Birthday 08/10/1996

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hamilton, ON
  • Interests
    Fishing ,catching a fish , skateboarding talking and making friends :) And most of all bothering my stepdad Gerritt

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Ok Chris and Chris k
  2. thanks you everone this is what we had time to film i have lots more to hopefully show , and i will hopefully be bringing my guitar on the flying fishing trip and i get nervous infont of camers LOL SD.
  3. If i've gone missing ill be fishing

  4. Thanks spiel and alexcba
  5. Yess i rememeber sami miss him sooo much im going to save this picture thanks chris Sam
  6. Thanks and i cant wait to give some reports Sam
  7. Thank you very much Sam
  8. ahaha ok gerritt but still i love my stradic thank you for it Sam
  9. Thanks Roy i cant wait to get to the river to try them out and i like the reel too and sorry Roy 200$ then we will talk... thanks Sam
  10. Ahaha make it 200 then we will talk alright Sam
  11. Im so excited right now i just got a new shimano stradic reel , and red Berkly lightning rod shock... here check them out. Thank you very much spiel for the fishing rod and Gerritt for the stradic fishing reel The funny thing is when T.G found out i got a stradic he tried to buy it for 20$ Sam
  12. Joey you have really made alot of ppl happy with your fhoto's you should become a fhotagrapher lol
  13. I used to have a cottage out on lake erie it was great fishing all day everyday except last year i dont know why but all i could reel in was sheep head and carp, there great games fish its just i would like to eat them Sam
  14. Ahaha thanks gerritt
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