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Everything posted by tedley

  1. No much snow, enough for snowmobile, can drive 4x4 pretty much anywhere, over 2 ft of ice, no slush
  2. Thanks just got back from gramps, now to find the fish
  3. Is there anywhere to get minnows at Lake Temagami hub other than driving out to Gramps?
  4. Thanks
  5. That is what I was hoping, never been, might try it this weekend, thanks
  6. Does anyone know how to get to Aileen lake in Temagami by snowmobile thanks
  7. Thanks, entered the contest as well, Guess I'll be going to Newfoundland, I wish
  8. I made a patch out of plastic from a molded plastic muffler display sign.and used machine screws and nuts to bolt it on. Then bolted downhill skies to bottom to protect the tub from rubbing on the ground.
  9. Go to Temagami every year for awhile now, stayed at Loon lodge in the cottage a few years ago, john was and excellent host. He would take us to spots at dusk to fish for pickeral. When it gets dark the ling come out, easy to catch, and lots of them on a spreader.
  10. I'm going to memesagamesing lake on the weekend and was wondering if anybody knew of any crown land camp sites there?
  11. I just saw that on Rick Mercer. didn't know it excisted looks great. I wanna go. Bet you'll have a good time
  12. I agree with porkpie, I tried all over for the material, even Len's mill end store found nothing.
  13. stayed at loon lodge host were great
  14. I might drive out there this weekend to see how many holes are drilled there.
  15. I like to use a snapon 3/8 drive torx as an easy out, tap it into plug to cut the torx grooves into the plug. wiggle to remove torx, then heat with torch, and cool with a water hose, reinstall torx work back and forth ,should come out, if not repeat heat and cool again. Good Luck
  16. In a discussion on OFC last week Jan. 18 there are no restrictions on using dead bait. just live. This was about using whole dead smelts.
  17. Thanks I wondered about using store smelts. I use the frozen cleaned and beheaded smelts, they work ok for the pike. I find something probably catfish eat the guts out of whole fish.
  18. check the ontario fishing gear and bait regulations, it has something about smelt as bait. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/stdprodconsume/groups/lr/@mnr/@letsfish/documents/document/stel02_178932.pdf This is where I saw it Regulatory guide lines for Bait and Gear restrictions.
  19. live or dead smelt illegal to use as bait in ontario.. Grocery store smelt might be ok if can prove it, would check first
  20. Heading to Wolseley Bay the first week of August. any advice would be appreciated. eg. boat launching and parking (14 ft. aluminum) camping crown land. Thanks Ted
  21. Was ice fishing on Lake Simcoe, with a friend and his son. His son went to another hut to see his grandfather. I was standing outside, when a CO pulls up out of nowhere, ask for my fishing license and drivers license. When my friends son left, his rods where still down, too many rods for the 2 of us. His son comes running back the Co tells him to bring his rods up when he goes to see someone. No charges, but I thought he must have been watching the huts and when somebody goes visting 9 times out of ten they leave their rods down. Also am I responsible for someone child in regards to keeping track of their rods, or anybody's rod. No problem just something I wonder about.
  22. My Berkley cherrywood baitcast rod broke at the joint on about the 5th practice cast. Haven't found a walmart or Canadian Tire that has the baitcast rod.
  23. thanks for the update
  24. yea! keeping it close for the fans, GO CANADA
  25. Does anybody know the ice conditions at owen sound and colpoys bay. Like to try ice fishing someplace new. Thanks Ted
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