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Everything posted by redwings24

  1. I like to sat on the ground. I run short course and currently have a losi scte 2.0 SC truck.
  2. I plan to get a yak this winter during the sportsmen show or the boat show. I saw one last year at the out door show for a grand all in. Dame missed that chance. Not this time.
  3. nice grab. I'm looking at going up there this Thursday and to rent a boat for 1/2 day. Any suggestions?
  4. So correct me if I'm wrong. If its illegal to transport live fish, then what is the point then to bring a perch to the live well for the perch festival if its illegal. I'm confused.
  5. If you need a guy to fill in the gap (extra guy). I work continental shifts, So during the week would be better. Count me in, just let me know what I need to bring. I'm in. Never iced fished before.
  6. They Johnny B Did you guys rent a hut for the day? I'm also looking try out ice fishing also. If I remember correctly, a hut rental is about $40.00 pp for like 6 hours or so. All equipment included.
  7. Ice fishing sound like fun.
  8. Great fishes buboy, looks like we fast forward to the future. Camera time stamp says 2021-07-01 LOL . Hope that is no what fishng looks like in the future lol
  9. That usually seems to be the case all the time. cheaper and better selection
  10. There is also tromblys in orillia as well.
  11. i'm heading up to Orillia tomorrow morning for some perch fishing. Any recommendations for shore fishing? Thanks Paul
  12. Dame, just got mine in the mail yesterday. That was fast.
  13. I'm going up tomorrow morning, anyone want to go?
  14. I'm looking at going back this thursday early morning for some perch fishing.
  15. Dan, I'm glad that I checked my card before going out this Saturday to the perch festival in Orillia, I was expired, but got it renewed. Check with MNR and they will not send out any notifications any more. They say its to save money.
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