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About anglerspro

  • Birthday 01/13/1971

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    Fishing, hockey, Family.. not always in that order.

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  1. How'd you do? Any fish? Graham Bristow A Perfect Drift Guide Company
  2. Hi Guys, Over the years the credit has maintained some great fishing and is visited and fished by thousands of anglers. The Credit river needs Anglers help and support to keep this good fishing going. This Saturday is a presentation and discussion to help the credit river gain National Heritage River status. Achieving this status would benefit all anglers who visit this awesome river. So far anglers support is low, we have a lot to gain by showing our support. Hope to see you there. Admission is free and lunch is included. What more could you ask for. Please check out the link for more details. http://www.creditvalleyca.ca/ourriver-agenda.html?utm_source=ENGO+Invite+List+-Canadian+Heritage+River+Designation+Meeting_+March+2011&utm_campaign=da0cedaa8d-Giving+Our+River+It%27s+Credit&utm_medium=email Remember to join the conversation about what the Credit River means to you Saturday, April 2 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Doors open at 9 a.m. Hansa Haus (map) 6650 Hurontario St. Mississauga Registration deadline is fast approaching! This is from an email I received from Dave Beaton, our Community Stewardship Specialist. CVC is working with a number of community groups that have been interested in having the Credit recognized as a National Heritage River… This is pretty exciting as it would recognize the value of the Credit and could have fantastic spinoff benfits to the community. CVC is hosting a meeting this Saturday April 2nd with support from the Mississauga’s of the New Credit and the Credit River Heritage Society. It is vital that we have a broad cross section of the community represented from the beginning of this process. I’d ask that you come and that you pass on the invite to others that you know that see the Credit as special and worth celebrating. I don’t make claims like this often but I can assure you that it will be well worth your time. If this is the first you’re hearing about this, I apologize for the short notice. We’ve had some issues with compiling our lists which has led to some oversights. I hope to see you on Saturday. Dave Remember to join the conversation about what the Credit River means to you Saturday, April 2 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Doors open at 9 a.m. Hansa Haus (map) 6650 Hurontario St. Mississauga Registration deadline is fast approaching! Click here to register Agenda
  3. I've got new fly rods coming in in March and what I don't have I can order for you. I'll be in most days until I start getting busy with guiding in April.
  4. Do you want to catch 20 steelhead a day? Or maybe 50 brook trout in 8 hours! Or how about seeing a dozen Brown trout over 18" strike your fly! It might sound like a fish story or a dream, but every year we have days like these and lucky for us they can be quite common under the right conditions and at the right times. I have 29 years experience chasing trout and steelhead in and around the great rivers near Orangeville and I have over 10 years of guiding experience. If this kind of fishing sounds like something you're interested in, check us out and ask us how, and maybe you'll have the best fishing of your life. Check out our customers testimonials and see for yourself why Anglers Pro Guide Service and Tackle shop is one of the top rated guide companies in Southern Ontario. We also offer the some of the best rates and the most educational lessons for anglers wanting to learn Float Fishing with centerpin reels and Fly Fishing. For more info check out our website at www.anglerspro.ca or email Graham at [email protected] I hope to see you on the river!
  5. As far as I'm concerned I keep my money in Canada and support local Canadian business as much as I can, it's better for all of us. Normally your small local tackle shops will provide you with better service and better advice on local fishing when you need it and you dont have to drive very far to get it. Try getting that at BPS...
  6. I used to fish the power station in mississauga and it would hold carp all winter. The schools of carp in march till may where sometimes huge. I've heard a few guys tell me that they have caught be carp at other warm water discharges as well. I would go and check it out, chances are you may end up catching multiple species since many fish are attracted to those areas.
  7. I just have to wonder what the hell were they thinking???lol
  8. I would add a windsock and a Navionics chip for the waters you fish. Also make sure you photocopy your new boat ownership and leave it on the boat incase you have a visit from the OPP. Also make sure your flares and fire extinguisher have good dates on them.
  9. Anglers Pro Shop in Orangeville sells them.
  10. check this video for the side cast which is the easiest for most people. http://www.raventackle.com/casting_videos.htm
  11. Hi Matt, It depends on what you want out of a Georgian Bay vacation. Do you want total quite time and scenary or somewhere close to shopping and restaurants for the wife and kids. I know Georgian Bay very well. There are a number of lodges that I work with that rent cottages/cabins and I guide full time for muskies on Georgian Bay between July and November. You can view informationn about guiding and accomodations at http://www.ontariomusky.com and if you have any questions on the resorts listed on the accomodations pages or best areas for family vacations and for trophy musky send me an email or call me. You can also get cottage rental info on this website. http://www.visitmuskoka.com/georgian_bay_cottage_rentals.htm You can also email me or call me anytime.
  12. Although the website is under construction you can get some info on prices and speakers for the IWFFC forum : http://iwffc.ca/forum_iwffc/
  13. Thanks RattleTrap2 , I used to be here alot about 6 or 7 years ago and then stopped due to work and family. I hope to be contributing regularily again.
  14. There are special regulations on parts of the Credit and Grand river. Special regs Summary - Single Barbless Hook Only, No Organic bait and Catch and release on trout. In the MNR fishing regs book check the exceptions to the rules section under these two rivers for more details.
  15. Your weights are not meant to anchor your float in place when float fishing. You need to try to drift your float through the whole length of the pool or run before you reel it in. It's also important to have your weights set properly, your float set at the right depth and your flourocarbon leader the right length so your float and your bait run effectively through the pool. If you really want to catch fish there's a lot more to it then just throwing in a float , weights and a roe bag and watching it float down stream. If I were you I would watch the other guys fishing first just to get a better understanding or find someone to teach you how to do it effectively. Good Luck.
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